One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand, four-one thousand. That’s how quickly prospective clients judge your company. In just four seconds, your company has made a first impression, and after four minutes, that impression has solidified. And although this impression can change during the course of an interaction, getting the first impression right gives you a huge competitive advantage. In the first four minutes, your potential customers are quickly answering these subconscious questions about your company:

  1. Kind or mean?
  2. Understanding or oblivious?
  3. Expert or fool?
  4. For me or against me?

Where do people first interact with your brand?
It could be on the web, through an ad, on the phone, by email or in person. Within four minutes, they’ve formed a first impression. Knowing this, check these first contact points and see how you can up your “First Four” game. Use the table below to get your marketing signals right (if you qualify for Diamond Certified).