The Diamond Certified® symbol is not a promise of a company’s future performance or your actual satisfaction with that company. We endeavor to perform the rating process accurately and without bias according to the description supplied by our organization. Furthermore, we believe that the methodology used to ascertain this rating and award Diamond Certified is a fair representation of the qualifying company’s high customer satisfaction level during the period of the rating. Since we rely on multiple sources of information and each company’s performance can change over time, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided herewith. The content and materials provided are provided “As Is” and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Memberships, awards and affiliations are not independently verified. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall we be liable to you or any other entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages. The Diamond Certified symbol does not mean that a certified company will meet every individual’s subjective markers for satisfaction. We do back our certification with a Performance Guarantee, which is our sole guarantee provided users of any information related to Diamond Certified.