Chris Bjorklund

Consumer Advocate

Over the course of a career spanning more than four decades, Chris Bjorklund has handled consumer affairs from a number of different angles: nonprofit, as Director of Consumer Education with the Better Business Bureau; government, as an investigator for the Consumer Fraud Unit of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office; and media, working behind the scenes at KPIX-TV and as a consumer reporter for KGO Radio. Through it all, Chris says her purpose has remained the same. “My entire career has been about advocating for consumers, empowering them and educating them about their rights. And after 40 years, that’s still my mission.”

Today, as a consumer specialist and consultant for the Diamond Certified Resource (where she’s known as “The Savvy Consumer”), Chris says she enjoys the positive turn her career has taken. “Whereas much of my work in the past involved exposing deceptive companies and their practices, in working with Diamond Certified, I have the opportunity to highlight businesses that are doing right by their customers, so it has been a refreshing change.”

A longtime resident of San Francisco (where she lives with her husband, Patrick), Chris spends her free time on a variety of activities, from teaching fitness to attending live music performances. “I teach water aerobics at several health clubs in San Francisco, and I personally stay active by taking Pilates and biking on trails in Sonoma County. I also enjoy live music and am a member of the SFJAZZ Center.” In addition to her personal hobbies, Chris likes to keep up with her and Patrick’s two grown children, Molly and Dan, both of whom live in the Bay Area.