Diamond Certified Company Report

Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.

Diamond Certified Company Report

Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.

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Adela C.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

1 of 206

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

You can trust they will do a good, quality job. Any time homeowners have AC or heaters installed, they want to trust the company will do a very good job and these guys did a very fantastic job. I was very pleased with it.

They were neat and cleaned up well. They were professional and very fast.

Carole R.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

2 of 206

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

I refer them all the time. I have their magnet business cards. They were able to do the installation in hard conditions and they were good. They are great people and they did a beautiful job. He even put in some extra ducting for me.

They installed it when it was 100 degrees out and their prices were very reasonable for the amount of work that they did. I have been using them since 1993 and Mike is fabulous. The guys who work for him are fabulous as well.

Helen L.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

3 of 206

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They are always on time and they explain what they are doing. I am just very satisfied with them.

They come in, they know what they are doing, and they are very polite. I am very satisfied with what they have been doing.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Mike Rebholtz, General Manager

Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. installs a variety of products that achieve optimum energy efficiency. The company is an active sponsor of community education events and has given neighborhood net-zero and Heat-Pump presentations in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Mateo, Redwood City, and Burlingame. Other technologies that its customers often ask for are dual-source, variable speed, ductless split systems and zoning, some of which can heat and cool multiple rooms at the same time. “We understand that energy-efficient solutions are becoming increasingly important to consumers, so we strive to remain on the cutting edge of this technology,” says General Manager Mike Rebholtz.

Much of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions’ success is credited to its highly trained personnel. “Everyone at our company comes from a perspective of true knowledge,” says Mr. Rebholtz. “We never stop learning. Our estimators and technicians are continually updated on the latest technologies and industry-best practices, and our highly trained and conscientious office staff make sure all of the details are handled expeditiously so every customer experiences 100 percent satisfaction.”

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DIAMOND CERTIFIED RESEARCHED CAPABILITIES ON Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.

Service AREA

San Mateo County
San Francisco
Santa Clara County
Alameda County


HVAC System Design
Installation and Upgrades
Heat Pumps
Ductless Split Systems
Custom Duct Work
Service and Scheduled Maintenance

BRANDS Supported
  • Mitsubishi

  • Trane

  • Daikin

  • Carrier

  • Bryant

DIAMOND CERTIFIED RESEARCHED ARTICLES ON Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.

General Manager Mike Rebholtz works on a customer’s HVAC system.

Company Profile

Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. installs a variety of products that achieve optimum energy efficiency. The company is an active sponsor of community education events and has given neighborhood net-zero and Heat-Pump presentations in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Mateo, Redwood City, and Burlingame. Other technologies that its customers often ask for are dual-source, variable speed, ductless split systems and zoning, some of which can heat and cool multiple rooms at the same time. “We understand that energy-efficient solutions are becoming increasingly important to consumers, so we strive to remain on the cutting edge of this technology,” says General Manager Mike Rebholtz.

Much of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions’ success is credited to its highly trained personnel. “Everyone at our company comes from a perspective of true knowledge,” says Mr. Rebholtz. “We never stop learning. Our estimators and technicians are continually updated on the latest technologies and industry-best practices, and our highly trained and conscientious office staff make sure all of the details are handled expeditiously so every customer experiences 100 percent satisfaction.”

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Company Philosophy

“Our 100 percent commitment to customer satisfaction is foremost in the minds of all of our employees. We’ve created a culture that’s based on a foundation of education and trust, which enables our customers and employees to make informed decisions about heating, cooling, and solar. We view ourselves as partners with our customers, our employees, our community and our environment.”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for HVAC companies that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc., the key to achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is simple: provide personalized service throughout every step of every job. “Everyone who works here takes a personalized approach to their work,” confirms General Manager Mike Rebholtz. “Our customers really appreciate the amount of care we put into each project.”

Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions provides a variety of HVAC services for residential and commercial clients in San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda and San Francisco Counties. In addition to installing, repairing, and maintaining high-efficiency heating and cooling systems made by industry leaders like Mitsubishi, Trane, Daikin, Bryant, and Carrier, the company performs load calculations, offers custom duct work and more.

Ron Melrose owned his own business before joining hands with Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions at the end of 2017 and has become a key member of the team. Service and Operations Coordinator Jeff Evenson makes sure all of the details are handled expeditiously so every customer experiences 100 percent satisfaction. “All of us are committed to providing personalized service throughout every step of every job,” says Mr. Rebholtz.

Unlike HVAC companies whose owners delegate quality control responsibilities to less experienced employees, Mr. Rebholtz and Mr. Melrose oversee every job to make sure the customer experiences 100 percent satisfaction. “Ron and I meet with each customer to provide their initial estimate, and we monitor our installation and service technicians to ensure they’re doing everything properly,” explains Mr. Rebholtz. “Quality control is very important to us, and our customers appreciate that.”

Another distinguishing attribute of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions is its highly trained and experienced technicians, all of whom are experts in evaluating each customer’s specific HVAC situation and coming up with the best solution. “Our service technicians are very reliable and professional, and they’re dedicated to helping our customers any way they can,” says Mr. Rebholtz. “We have to charge more per hour in order to keep such excellent technicians on our team, but it ends up saving our customers money because we’re able to work faster than most companies. We get it done right the first time.”

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Industry Info

Take simple steps to maintain your home’s heating or cooling system.

As much as half of the energy used in the average home can go toward heating and cooling, so by making sure your HVAC system is operating at its peak potential, you can significantly increase your comfort while decreasing your utility bills. Consider the following maintenance tips:

Keep it clean. ”You can improve your HVAC system’s efficiency by 15 percent just by cleaning the blower,” says Mike Rebholtz, general manager of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. in Menlo Park. “You should also make sure the burners are clean and the heat rise (the difference between the temperature of the outgoing and incoming air) is within the manufacturer’s recommendations. Running a furnace with a poorly adjusted heat rise can cause irreversible damage, and inexperienced installers can overlook a simple check altogether.”

Invest in a good filtration system. Mr. Rebholtz recommends HEPA-style filters, which are designed to improve indoor air quality by blocking up to 98 percent of pollen and dust. “HVAC efficiency isn’t just about comfort and lower utility bills; it can provide health benefits as well.”

Make sure ducts are sealed. Poorly sealed and insulated ductwork can account for a surprising amount of energy loss, so check the seals on all the ducts that run through your attic, garage and crawl spaces. You should have a professional HVAC technician handle the job, but if you need a quick fix, use duct sealant or metal-backed tape to seal all seams and connections. Don’t use duct tape—it doesn’t have the right amount of staying power.

Mr. Rebholtz also suggests looking at alternative HVAC systems that offer environmental benefits as well as energy savings. “There are various solar systems on the market now, as well as ductless split air conditioners that are good alternatives to window units,” he explains. “There’s even an Italian-made system that cools the sheetrock from the ceiling without any airflow whatsoever.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will it take to install a new furnace in my house?

A: It depends on the nature of the installation. Swapping out an existing furnace usually takes about half a day, but installing an entirely new system can take up to three days.

Q: What exactly is involved with a furnace tune-up?

A: We use a 16-point checklist to ensure each furnace is operating at peak efficiency. You’ll get a copy of this checklist so you can see exactly what was inspected and what condition your furnace is in.

Q: What does it mean if my furnace is rated 80 percent efficient?

A: The efficiency rating is based on the ratio of heat from burned fuel that’s pumped into your ductwork and actually heats your home or business. If you have a 100,000 BTU furnace that pumps 80,000 BTUs into the ducts, your furnace is 80 percent efficient (the rest of the heat goes up the flue). If you have a high-efficiency furnace (95 percent), you can burn less fuel and produce the same results.

Q: Should I get a more efficient blower for my furnace?

A: It depends on the specifics of your electricity bill, but we usually recommend getting a high-efficiency blower. Californians typically spend 30 percent of their utility bills on gas and 70 percent on electricity, so if you can decrease your electricity consumption by getting a more efficient blower, it’s usually a better investment than upgrading your furnace to reduce your gas consumption.

Q: Why should I replace my ductwork?

A: Older duct systems tend to have leaks and usually aren’t insulated as well as newer systems. We can often save our customers 20 to 30 percent on their energy bills just by replacing old ducts.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.



  • Mike Rebholtz is general manager of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc., a Diamond Certified company since 2012. He can be reached at (650) 539-9722 or by email.

Mike Rebholtz: Expert Contributor Profile

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Program Reporter

MENLO PARK — Following a year spent living abroad, Mike Rebholtz returned home and started working in a trade that would furnish him with a lifelong career. “I had a buddy whose family lived in Aviano, Italy, right at the foot of the Alps,” he explains. “After I graduated high school, I sold everything I had and went to live there and ski, which lasted a year. After I got back, I needed a real job, so I joined the trade union and started working in HVAC.” As a mechanically inclined individual, Mike says he quickly took to the trade. “I’ve always been good with my hands and liked building things, so working with sheet metal and manufacturing ductwork was something I enjoyed right off the bat.”

In 1985, Mike founded Rebholtz Mechanical, which functioned as a unionized HVAC contracting firm for more than 20 years before closing its doors amid the economic downturn of 2008. In 2011, Mike re-emerged on the professional scene with Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. As his first non-union business venture, Mike says he’s enjoyed the refreshing change of pace. “We’re able to do a lot of things we couldn’t under union constraints, like bringing in plumbers and electricians, which allows us to provide our customers with more options. It’s been really fun to get a fresh start after so many years in the industry.”

Originally from the Sacramento region, Mike resides today in Redwood Shores with his wife, Julie. When asked his favorite part of living and working in the Bay Area, he says he appreciates the diversity of the population. “I originally planned to move up to Oregon and live in the country, but I’ve grown to like the diversity we have here. Overall, I find that consumers in the Bay Area tend to be very educated and open-minded.”

Outside of work, Mike engages in a wide variety of active pastimes. “I can’t get enough of the outdoors, whether it’s riding my motorcycle, fishing or backpacking in the Sierras,” he says. As a licensed pilot, Mike says he and Julie also enjoy flying to nearby destinations for weekend trips. Additionally, he likes spending time with his children.

In regard to his professional career, Mike espouses the importance of doing the right thing. “The main things are to be fair and honest, see things from the customer’s perspective, and give them what they want,” he says. “If a customer wants something that’s not in the contract, I’ll usually tell my guys to include it anyway, because I’m less concerned about who’s right than I am about making sure my customers are happy.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he could retire tomorrow, Mike says he’d head out on a long trip. “I’d probably take Julie and the kids and shoot up to Alaska for a few weeks, which is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go. Ideally, I’d like to fly there and stop in Oregon and Washington along the way to visit friends and family.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: Would you ever go sky diving?

A: Yes, that’s actually on my bucket list.

Q: What’s your favorite local restaurant?

A: The Mountain House Restaurant in Woodside.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

A: Read a book.

Q: What kind of books do you like to read?

A: I like everything from mystery novels to self-improvement books. As a pilot, I’m also fascinated by World War II stories, so I love any book that has to do with that era.

: How do you like your eggs?

A: Over easy.



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Expert articles
  • The Benefits of Air Duct Replacement

    MENLO PARK — If you’re planning to replace your furnace, there’s a chance you may need to replace your air ducts as well. Due to a recent Title 24 mandate, Bay Area residents planning for furnace replacements are now required to have their ductwork tested for energy efficiency using what’s known as a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) test. If the test determines your ducts have more than 15 percent leakage—which is highly likely in homes more than 30 years old—they’ll need to be replaced in conjunction with the furnace.

    Duct replacement is expensive initially, especially if asbestos removal is needed, but once the new ducts are installed, they provide several benefits. For one, your home’s indoor air quality will improve significantly, since the new ducts won’t be pushing old dust and debris into your home’s airflow. Also, by eliminating air leaks, your utility bills will likely decrease by 20 to 30 percent, saving you money over the long run. Additionally, a duct replacement will allow your HVAC technician to perform modifications and improve the airflow to certain areas of your home.

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  • Heat Pumps for HVAC

    MENLO PARK — A lot of homeowners are interested in lowering their gas bills, especially when it comes to running their heating and cooling systems. One great option for those who have or are planning to install solar energy systems is switching to a high-efficiency heat pump. While converting an HVAC system’s power source from gas to electric would normally be more expensive, if you’re getting your electrical from solar, you stand to save a lot of money.

    If you don’t already have a solar energy system, this may seem like merely swapping one expense (gas) for another (the cost of installing a solar system). However, switching to solar isn’t as expensive as you might think. Currently, there are numerous programs devoted to helping California homeowners finance solar energy systems. There are also various rebates and incentives available, such as a federal tax credit. Talk to an HVAC professional to learn more about how solar power can reduce the cost of running your HVAC system.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Advancements in Heat Pump Technology

    Complete Video Transcription

    MENLO PARK — Host, Sarah Rutan: If you’re thinking about switching to solar power in your home, you should also consider installing a heat pump for your HVAC system. Today we’re in Menlo Park with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Mike Rebholtz of Alternative Heating & Conditioning Solutions to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Mike Rebholtz: I’m here today to talk about heat pumps. A lot of people are questioning, you know, what is a heat pump? What do they do? How will it heat my home? Does it air condition well? Is it efficient? And I really start talking to people about heat pumps when we’re talking about if they have solar and they want to start getting off the grid or if they’re on propane and they don’t want to use propane to heat their home. They want to use electricity. So, when we heat and cool on a heat pump, we’re doing it with electricity.

    They’ve become very efficient. They’ve become a lot more – they produce a lot more heat than they used to. We’ve gone from an R22 refrigerant to a 410A refrigerant, which means that it could produce six to ten degrees more heat than they ever used to. Efficiencies have gotten much better. They’ve gone to variable-speed compressors, which are very efficient. And they don’t pull a lot of energy off the grid immediately. They just gradually come up. And so we find that heat pumps have a really good place here in the Peninsula with a lot of people that are doing solar.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at

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  • Video: Assessing Your Furnace Ducts

    Complete Video Transcription

    MENLO PARK — Host, Sarah Rutan: If your home’s furnace ducts are more than 30 years old, it may be time to consider having them replaced. Today we’re in Menlo Park with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Mike Rebholtz of Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Mike Rebholtz: When you’re thinking about getting your furnace replaced, there’s a new mandate out now, it’s a new Title 24 requirement throughout the whole Peninsula in here. It’s a HERS test, it’s a duct test that’s required where you have to have less than 15 percent leakage. If your home is over 30 years old, there’s a good probability that your duct will need to be replaced. It won’t pass the duct test.

    You can look at your ductwork. If it’s in the crawl space, you’ll see vents on the floor. If it’s in the attic, you’ll see the registers in the ceiling. So, to inspect it, see if you got black rings on, like, yellow or orange insulation. If it’s tin ductwork, it may have asbestos, it will be white, and inside it’s going to be shiny or on the outside, like I say, could have some rust on it. But an expert will know right off what it is.

    It’s expensive to do this duct replacement initially because you may have asbestos removal, but the indoor air quality will improve 100 percent. You won’t have any more of this dust or debris in there. Also your utility bills will drop 20 to 30 percent. It’s just not about replacing your furnace, it’s about replacing the airflow. We can also modify the airflow at doing your duct replacement. We get better airflow to your living room, maybe to a master bedroom, and this is all done with a duct replacement.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local top-rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc.
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File
  • Legal & Finance

Adela C.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

1 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

You can trust they will do a good, quality job. Any time homeowners have AC or heaters installed, they want to trust the company will do a very good job and these guys did a very fantastic job. I was very pleased with it.

They were neat and cleaned up well. They were professional and very fast.

Carole R.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

2 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I refer them all the time. I have their magnet business cards. They were able to do the installation in hard conditions and they were good. They are great people and they did a beautiful job. He even put in some extra ducting for me.

They installed it when it was 100 degrees out and their prices were very reasonable for the amount of work that they did. I have been using them since 1993 and Mike is fabulous. The guys who work for him are fabulous as well.

Helen L.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

3 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are always on time and they explain what they are doing. I am just very satisfied with them.

They come in, they know what they are doing, and they are very polite. I am very satisfied with what they have been doing.

David M.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

4 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are responsive.

No idea, they are professional I guess.

Christine H.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

5 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are a friendly and a family owned company. Very professional and they know what they are doing in the field.

They are easy to deal with and are nice people.

Bob F.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

6 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were responsive, quick to come out and did a real nice job installing our furnace. It is located in a tricky place, and they were able to get to it, so that was nice.

Responsive and knowledgeable

Connie B.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

7 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them.

I have been using them for 10-15 years, and they always respond when I call them, even if it's an emergency.

Nancy W.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

8 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

If you want a mini split use them. They have Mitsubishi and nobody else does.

The sales guy is really thorough and the installers were very good. There was no disruption to my day and they were tidy.

Todd S.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

9 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Use them.

They are knowledgeable about Green and earth friendly solutions.

Barbara W.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

10 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It is very satisfactory.

Nothing specific

George W.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

11 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It's a very good, quiet and efficient system that does what it is supposed to do.

I signed up for an annual check up of the system, but I haven't heard anything.

Alan C.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

12 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It works as described, but I was astonished at how expensive it was.

Everything was very orderly.

Aline Y.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

13 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them. They were on top of things and did quality work.

They showed up when they were supposed to. It was during Covid, and at the start, so I asked, but they didn't have a team that was vaccinated, so they switched out to a vaccinated team and had them wear masks. The leads did a good job. It was quality and they made our safety a priority.

Antoni K.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

14 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very professional


Mary A.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

15 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They did a good job. I would recommend them.

They were friendly, punctual, and overall good.

Tony B.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

16 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were fine. I would recommend them.

They did a good job.

Adriana T.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

17 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are just so efficient. You call them, they come out right away, and they give you an estimate. They are a local mom and pop shop, and I am very happy with them.

Mike comes out, takes it by the hand and fixes everything. They are so prompt. They come out immediately. A lot of my neighbors use them as well, and they are very well liked.

Ann C.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

18 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I replaced both furnaces with Alternative HVAC and 2 external A/C's, and it's the execution. You can invest in the products, but it's the installation and execution that will determine the longevity and be consistent.

I tend to research my products and have experience with the brand. I want reliability. You can invest, but if it's not executed well you don't get the longevity and their installation and execution is great.

Christine T.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

19 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were very professional and reliable. I would definitely recommend them.

Perfectly executed, I have no negatives with them. Nothing broke down, and we didn't have to call them to come back. Everyone I dealt with was very responsive and really good.

Patti J.

VERIFIED Alternative Heating & Air Conditioning Solutions, Inc. CUSTOMER

20 of 206

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Easy to deal with, reasonably priced, clean and neat, we liked the staff from the boss to the guys that did the work. They were considerate and let us know what they were doing. They did it, and if they needed to interface with us, they gave us some time. They were excellent to deal with.

I loved that we got it in before the heat wave of the summer and love that now that it is cold we can use the units in each of the rooms to heat them up.

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