Diamond Certified Company Report

Animal Damage Control

Diamond Certified Company Report

Animal Damage Control

Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i
Company Credentials i
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File

Linda M.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

1 of 26

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

Good, they are good.

Quick response time

Rich C.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

2 of 26

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They are our go-to people. We use them at a couple different properties. They are good.

They get the job done, no excuses.


VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

3 of 26

Quality 8
8 10
Loyalty Yes

They had to come back various times, because it just didn't work out as smoothly as they made us believe. In the end, they resolved it, but it took a while and a lot of visits.

They were persistent and didn't give up.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Animal Damage Control provides a variety of wildlife control services for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. The company has the in-house capabilities to trap and remove everything from raccoons and skunks to snakes and birds, and it’s available 24/7 to handle emergencies.

Owner James Schmerker says Animal Damage Control’s ability to focus on each client’s specific infestation has been a crucial aspect of its success. “Some companies will just throw down baited traps to test for everything in a yard, but that won’t necessarily solve the problem. For example, if I discover that there’s a skunk underneath a house, I know how to effectively trap and remove that animal and ensure it doesn’t return.”

Animal Damage Control takes time to educate its customers about their wildlife infestations so they can prevent similar situations in the future. “Whenever I do an inspection, I walk around with the client and show them how to spot warning signs like claw marks on pipes or holes in walls,” explains Mr. Schmerker. “Most people don’t see these things even if they walk by them every day, so they really appreciate learning how to protect their properties.”

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Service AREA

Contra Costa County
Alameda County


Animal and Wildlife Control
Inspections, Trapping and Animal Proofing
Raccoons, Skunks, Opossums, Squirrels, Snakes, Birds (Excluding Pigeons), Coyotes and More


Animal Damage Control trapped and removed this peacock from a customer’s property.

Company Profile

Animal Damage Control provides a variety of wildlife control services for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. The company has the in-house capabilities to trap and remove everything from raccoons and skunks to snakes and birds, and it’s available 24/7 to handle emergencies.

Owner James Schmerker says Animal Damage Control’s ability to focus on each client’s specific infestation has been a crucial aspect of its success. “Some companies will just throw down baited traps to test for everything in a yard, but that won’t necessarily solve the problem. For example, if I discover that there’s a skunk underneath a house, I know how to effectively trap and remove that animal and ensure it doesn’t return.”

Animal Damage Control takes time to educate its customers about their wildlife infestations so they can prevent similar situations in the future. “Whenever I do an inspection, I walk around with the client and show them how to spot warning signs like claw marks on pipes or holes in walls,” explains Mr. Schmerker. “Most people don’t see these things even if they walk by them every day, so they really appreciate learning how to protect their properties.”

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Company Philosophy

“I’ve built my reputation on providing exceptional customer service and positive results, so those are my top priorities on every job. I know how disruptive it is to have a wildlife infestation, so I utilize my expertise and state-of-the-art tools to alleviate my clients’ stress and get their jobs done as efficiently as possible.”

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Comparative Summary

Pest control companies are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competition, and those that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award are already several steps ahead. In addition to its top rated status, Animal Damage Control sets itself apart by dealing with all sorts of animal infestations, not just insects. “When people need help with specific animals like racoons and skunks, they quickly find out that many pest control companies aren’t able to help them,” explains owner James Schmerker. “I started this company because I wanted to offer home and business owners a better option for animal removal and control.”

Animal Damage Control has been providing wildlife control services for residential and commercial clients in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties since 1996. The company has the training and equipment to trap and remove everything from squirrels and opossums to birds and snakes, and it offers 24/7 emergency services for the convenience of its customers.

Unlike less experienced pest control companies that take a “one size fits all” approach to every infestation, Animal Damage Control takes the time to determine each client’s unique problem so it can use the most effective methods to solve it. “Some companies just throw down baited traps and test everything in a yard, but that can get expensive and it might not even solve the issue,” says Mr. Schmerker. “I draw upon my expertise to find the source of my clients’ infestations and come up with solutions that keep the animals from returning and creating further damage.”

To further differentiate itself from its competition, Animal Damage Control doesn’t push its clients into contracts or other long-term agreements. “Ultimately, I’m here to help my customers fix their immediate problems, so I don’t require them to bring me back once a month to make sure everything is OK,” says Mr. Schmerker. “I provide long-term solutions so hopefully they never have to call me again, but if they do, they know I’ll be there for them.”

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Industry Info

When it comes to preventing and removing wildlife infestations, leave the job to the professionals.

If you have unwanted animals like racoons or rodents in or around your home or business, you may be tempted to trap and remove them yourself, but hiring a company that specializes in this work is usually the best way to go. “Most people don’t know what to do if they actually catch an animal,” warns James Schmerker, owner of Animal Damage Control in Discovery Bay. “Also, many traps can be hard to set and aren’t that strong, so animals can escape or become tangled. Even if the trap does work, relocation or release is difficult. Instead, you should call a professional as soon as you know you have an infestation.”

Here are some more reasons to hire a professional animal control company:

Protect yourself. Wild animals can be dangerous (especially when they’re trapped or scared) and many carry diseases. Trying to trap or exterminate them without the proper tools and knowledge can be unsafe.

Protect the animal. You want the animal gone, but it doesn’t have to suffer. In some cases, laws prevent trapping, extermination or relocation during certain times of the year. Humane animal removal companies know how to remove animals safely and appropriately without collateral damage.

Prevent recurring problems. Experts can advise ways to make your property less attractive to animals and prevent them from causing repeat problems. Blocking entryways, removing scent trails and making areas inhospitable are good places to start.

Repair damage. Structural damage, scratches, holes, siding and roof damage, and open entry points often result from animals making their homes in or under buildings. Many animal control companies also repair damage to make homes look good again and prevent return visitors.

Keep it clean. Unwanted animal guests often leave equally unwanted messes like urine, feces, scents and nesting debris. Many companies sanitize attics, crawl spaces and other areas where animals have camped out.

Follow the law. California has many laws pertaining to the trapping, release and prevention of wildlife pests. If you break these laws, even unknowingly, you can be subject to fines and other punishments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are animals coming into or around my home?
A: It depends on a lot of factors. You might have openings underneath your home, or the animals could be looking for places to live during breeding season. I’ll be able to determine the specifics once I look at the area.

Q: Is there a certain time of year when pest removal or damage repair is the most effective?
A: Yes. I have to be careful about when I do certain kinds of work. By law, I have to be wary of separating mothers and nursing babies, and I may not be able to seal the outside of your home during winter because the animals will die if they’re hibernating underneath. It’s better to wait until they’re awake so I can trap and remove them from the property. On the other hand, birds only nest during certain times of year, so there are optimal times to prevent them. Once I determine your specific problems and concerns, I’ll help you find the right time for your job.

Q: Can you solve my problem without killing the animal?
A: Yes, I offer humane trapping and release services.

Q: Why should I hire a licensed and insured pest control contractor?
A: In California, there are many laws that deal with the trapping, release and treatment of animals, so it takes a professional to do the job correctly. I do a lot of work behind the scenes that my clients never see, but it keeps everyone safe and legally compliant.

Q: Can’t I just trap the animals myself?
A: You can buy live traps, but many of those traps can be hard to set and they aren’t even that strong, so animals can escape or become tangled. When that happens, you’ll have to call a professional anyway, and the job becomes more difficult because the animal is injured or scared. Also, it’s hard to relocate animals, so even if you catch something, you still have to figure out what to do with it. If you call a professional at the outset, you can solve all these problems at once.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Animal Damage Control



  • James Schmerker is owner of Animal Damage Control, a Diamond Certified company. He can be reached at (925) 201-6126 or by email.

James Schmerker: A Wild Life

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

DISCOVERY BAY — For James Schmerker, a career in wildlife control grew out of an innate fascination with animals and nature. “I’ve always been interested in wildlife,” he affirms. “I spent most of my childhood trapping and catching animals. I had all the nature field guides and wanted to be a ranger when I grew up.” In addition to fauna, James gained experience with flora. “My dad had a nursery license, so I learned about plants as well as animals. I later got into landscaping, which I enjoyed, but I eventually decided to start my own wildlife control business. With my background and interest, it just seemed like the best fit for a career.”

Today, as owner of Animal Damage Control, James says his favorite part of his job is taking on challenging situations. “I enjoy handling problems that are a little more complicated than just catching a rodent in a trap, like capturing a rattlesnake in a cellar. Birds can also be challenging. The smarter the animal, the more difficult they are to capture, so that keeps things interesting.”

When he’s not working, James spends most of his time, unsurprisingly, outside. “I enjoy hiking, fishing and just being outdoors. I also spend a lot of time working in my garden—I’m constantly messing about with pruning and planting.”

In regard to a professional philosophy, James expresses his care for the humane treatment of animals. “I’ve seen a lot of people make bad decisions about how to handle animal control problems. Like, a homeowner hears a noise in their chimney and starts up the fireplace. I’d much rather see things done properly and humanely. There’s almost always a way to solve the problem without harming the animal, and that’s how I approach every job.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, James says he’d grab a pole and head to the water. “I used to fish a lot with my dad—there’s a spot around the Delta where we’d always go. These days, I spend so much of my life working, so that’s something I’d like to do more often.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What was your first pet?
A: A hamster named Hampy.

Q: What’s your favorite snack?
A: Beef jerky.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: Japan.

Q: Are you an early bird or a night owl?
A: I’m an early bird.

Q: What’s your favorite season?
A: Spring. It’s probably the most dynamically interesting part of the year. Everything is breeding, being born and returning to life.

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Expert articles
  • Identifying the Differences Between Dangerous Snakes and Benign Snakes

    DISCOVERY BAY — In summer, there tends to be an uptick in activity of snakes and other reptiles. This is because they’re cold-blooded, so they’re comfortable in warmer weather. The one type of snake that many California homeowners are concerned about is the rattlesnake, but there are many other snakes that are active during summer and don’t pose a threat, like gopher snakes. That’s why it’s worthwhile to learn how to spot the differences between dangerous snakes and harmless ones.

    The simplest way to tell rattlesnakes and benign snakes apart is by looking at the shapes of their bodies. Most benign snakes have very uniform bodies—they look like garden hoses and generally have smooth skin, round eyes, and pointed tails.

    In contrast, rattlesnakes’ bodies are less uniform, with a wide head and a narrow neck. They have a rougher texture and aren’t as round—they look more like a flat tire than a garden hose. Additionally, they have cat eye-like pupils and, the most obvious signifier, a rattle on the end of their tails.

    Any snake is safe at a distance, but if you see a rattlesnake near your home, your best move is to call an animal services company or local law enforcement and report it.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: How to Identify Dangerous Snakes

    Complete Video Transcription

    DISCOVERY BAY — James Schmerker: There’s a lot of snake and or other reptile activity when it’s warm. So ’cause they’re cold blooded. And so these will be all over the place in people’s homes. This snake particularly got caught in a kitchen, or I caught it in the kitchen. They’d seen it. And people are always worried about rattlesnakes. They are one toxic snake. And this is a gopher snake. They end up looking, they go kind of like a rattlesnake, they’ll hiss and do things like that. But they’re absolutely harmless. It’s really a shame to kill all the non-toxic snakes, cause they’re all part of nature as we know it.

    The easiest thing big or small would be, see this little guy, his head and his neck and his body are roughly very uniform, garden hose-looking. His tail is pointy like a sharpened pencil, any snake like that is non-toxic, there’s many different types and they all have that little aspect.

    Rattlesnakes are even scary. They’ve got cat eye pupils. They’re vertical. Their head is wide. The neck is narrow and they look kind of like a flat tire. This guy’s more like a garden hose.

    Even the smallest ones have a button on their tail, not even rattles, but it ends in like an eraser end of a pencil, not like a sharpened one. And that’s the best way to tell them apart. At a distance, any snake is safe, but you want to keep track of it and make a call to animal services people. Even county sheriffs, they’ll be able to help.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Animal Damage Control
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File

Linda M.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

1 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Good, they are good.

Quick response time

Joey D.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

2 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Use them.

They got rid of our pest issue.

Michael B.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

3 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

We've already recommended them to other people.

He stuck with it and came back everyday to check the traps, great service.

Sam G.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

4 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very knowledgeable, reasonable prices, and went the extra mile for us

Willingness to tackle any problem

Monica O.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

5 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were great. They did everything they were suppose to do. We don't have pest issues anymore.

They were really professional and responsive.

Nicole S.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

6 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very thorough and professional

Ability to come in and access

Leslie A.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

7 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I think they are good.

They got rid of all the wild animals and sealed everything off.

Donald R.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

8 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They did what they said and we have not had a problem since.

They solved our problem.

Kris M.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

9 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Service was great, great value and professional, he did everything he said he would do.

I don't have anything bad to say. When I called, they answered. He did what he said he would do and I was 100% satisfied with the service.

Lisa M.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

10 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He always seals everything up and does great work. He always does a great job.

Tens all around

Alison E.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

11 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were great. I would recommend them.

They were responsive and knowledgeable.

Robin C.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

12 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were able to get the job done. The cost was high, but that wasn't because of them, it was because of the critters.

Pretty responsive, he would come out or his partner and relocate the critter.

Debra P.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

13 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They did a good job, so keep up the good work.

They come out when they're supposed to and are concerned about your well being.

Linda K.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

14 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

James is full of knowledge, information, experience and is always on time, just a great guy.

That everything goes as planned whenever I call

Rich C.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

15 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are our go-to people. We use them at a couple different properties. They are good.

They get the job done, no excuses.

Lou S.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

16 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would tell others to use them.

Responsive, they came out really quickly to trap the animals.

Tom M.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

17 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

A good business

Job done

Dale F.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

18 of 26

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Call them.

They are the best.

Roger S.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

19 of 26

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

I thought they were fine.

They were quick.

Ramona R.

VERIFIED Animal Damage Control CUSTOMER

20 of 26

Quality 9
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend them.

They were professional and took care of our problem.

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