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Atticare Construction

Diamond Certified Company Report

Atticare Construction

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Susan C.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

1 of 484

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They do excellent work. Their employees were extremely polite, worked together efficiently, and cleaned up after all the work was done. They brought all of their own tools. I have never worked with another company we liked so much.

They succeeded at what they promised me. We were happy working with them.

David S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

2 of 484

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

Smooth, efficient process, and very professional

I would say my concerns were addressed immediately and professionally.

Julie H.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

3 of 484

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

I did a lot of research on what I needed. They were the best, very meticulous, clean, and they were fast.

The guy who came out was great. He called us after the fire to make sure we were okay. It was exceptional. I give him gold stars across the board.

Read All 484 Survey Responses at Ratings View
Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Atticare Construction specializes in home upgrades with a focus on energy efficiency for residential and commercial clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, Greater Los Angeles, and New Jersey. “We offer an exceptional experience and project management paired with an unmatched level of integrity and customer service,” says CEO Sean Madar.

Atticare Construction offers exclusive payment programs that are tailored for energy efficiency (“0” down, no interest for 12 months, low interest starting at 4.99%) for qualified homes. “All of our programs are administered by the state with the support of utility companies to achieve energy efficiency building awareness,” says Mr. Madar. “They’re for home upgrades that save energy and add property value, such as insulation, roofing, solar panels, windows and doors, exterior paint, and many more.” All links to the company’s financing partners can be found at atticareusa.com/financing.

Atticare Construction focuses on what matters the most in a home in order to help its customers save money on their energy bills, improve their indoor air quality and raise their property value. “Whether a client requires an onsite evaluation or needs free, over-the-phone advice, they can contact us and one of our team members will answer their questions,” says Mr. Madar. “Our goal is to make each home healthier, comfortable and more energy efficient.”

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Diamond Certified Companies are Rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise.

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Service AREA

the San Francisco Bay Area
Greater Los Angeles
New Jersey


Attic & Crawl Space Services
Roofing & Solar Panels
QuietCool Whole House Fans
HVAC Systems
Energy-Efficient Exterior Paint

BRANDS Supported
  • Owens Corning

  • Dow


Five Atticare Construction technicians pose in front of one of the company’s service trucks.

Company Profile

Atticare Construction specializes in home upgrades with a focus on energy efficiency for residential and commercial clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, Greater Los Angeles, and New Jersey. “We offer an exceptional experience and project management paired with an unmatched level of integrity and customer service,” says CEO Sean Madar.

Atticare Construction offers exclusive payment programs that are tailored for energy efficiency (“0” down, no interest for 12 months, low interest starting at 4.99%) for qualified homes. “All of our programs are administered by the state with the support of utility companies to achieve energy efficiency building awareness,” says Mr. Madar. “They’re for home upgrades that save energy and add property value, such as insulation, roofing, solar panels, windows and doors, exterior paint, and many more.” All links to the company’s financing partners can be found at atticareusa.com/financing.

Atticare Construction focuses on what matters the most in a home in order to help its customers save money on their energy bills, improve their indoor air quality and raise their property value. “Whether a client requires an onsite evaluation or needs free, over-the-phone advice, they can contact us and one of our team members will answer their questions,” says Mr. Madar. “Our goal is to make each home healthier, comfortable and more energy efficient.”

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Company Philosophy

“Many homeowners spend money on home upgrades that don’t really matter. We focus only on upgrades that 1) get our clients more comfortable, 2) save them money and 3) raise the value of their homes.”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for attic insulation contractors that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For Atticare, the best way to keep clients satisfied is to offer complete solutions to their problems. “We keep our clients’ homes energy efficient by making sure their indoor air quality is in good condition,” explains owner Sean Madar. “Some companies will replace HVAC systems or do some insulation work, but few are able to provide full solutions like us.”

Atticare has been cleaning attics, crawl spaces, and other interior areas for residential and commercial clients throughout the Greater Bay Area since 2010. In addition to removing old insulation, animal waste, and rubbish from attics and crawl spaces, the company has the in-house capabilities to conduct thermal inspections, clean air ducts, install radiant barriers and insulation, and more.

Unlike less experienced contractors that can only offer temporary fixes to their clients’ problems, Atticare focuses on providing permanent solutions that improve the quality of each client’s life. “We believe our clients deserve to be comfortable in their homes, so everything we do is geared toward improving their comfort,” says Mr. Madar. “For example, when we remove old insulation, we sanitize the space, install new insulation and seal up the access points so rodents can’t access the area.”

Another distinguishing attribute of Atticare is its emphasis on using top-of-the-line materials and installation methods on every project, which Mr. Madar says isn’t a given in the insulation industry. “Some companies cut corners by using uncoated vapor barriers or inferior brands. Most of the time, these products will do the job for a while, but they usually cause problems within a few years. We only use first-rate materials and perform installations according to code, so our repairs and energy efficiency upgrades are done correctly the first time and last for many years.

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Industry Info

If you’re looking for an effective way to improve your home’s energy efficiency, start with the attic.

It may not be the first place you think of, but if you want to make a substantial impact on comfort and energy savings inside your home, the attic is a great starting point. Consider the following tips:

Maximize attic insulation. Most homeowners don’t realize they can vastly improve their indoor energy efficiency by bringing their attic insulation up to current industry standards. Building code changes in recent years have called for higher grades of insulation, so if your insulation hasn’t been upgraded in a couple of decades, it probably isn’t performing to its full potential. In addition to increasing energy efficiency and overall comfort, replacing old attic insulation with high-grade insulation (R-38 or better) usually pays for itself within five years.

Air-seal your attic. Your home likely contains air gaps between the attic and the living space (joints where walls meet ceilings or apertures where electrical wires enter the attic). When conditioned air is allowed to seep through these gaps into the attic, your HVAC system has to work harder to replenish it, which leads to higher energy consumption. If you seal all the gaps, joints and apertures that lead into your attic, you can reduce energy loss and save on operating costs.

Install a radiant barrier. Keeping your attic sealed off from your living space will improve your home’s energy efficiency, but you can also take measures to keep the attic cooler in the first place. One of the best ways to do this is to install a radiant barrier (aluminum-impregnated paint or foil that’s applied to the underside of the roof). Radiant barriers reflect solar heat away from structures, so they can reduce your attic’s temperature by 20 to 50 degrees.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long will it take to complete my job?
A: Most jobs only take one or two days to complete.

Q: Can you recommend products if I want to save energy in my home?
A: Yes. Every house is different, but we can develop a plan based on your specific home and tell you which products will work best for your needs.

Q: What can you do that a pest control company can’t do?
A: Pest control companies can perform exterminations, but that’s only a partial solution. If you have a rat infestation, a pest control company can exterminate the rats, but more rats will move in within a year or so. There’s also the issue of the damage the rats leave behind, which exterminators don’t fix. We remove infested insulation; get rid of smells, droppings and urine; and sanitize everything. When the insulation is up, we can determine the access points for the rodents, block potential entry points and put up new insulation so the problem doesn’t keep happening.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Atticare Construction



  • Sean Madar is co-owner of Atticare Construction, a Diamond Certified company. He can be reached at (408) 758-5718 or by email.

Sean Madar: One for All

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

SAN LEANDRO — When asked the secret to his success with Atticare Construction, Sean Madar credits a trifecta of unique talents contributed by the company’s three owners. “Atticare Construction is owned and operated by Zack, Scott and myself—all good friends who served together in the Israeli military,” he explains. “We share a similar perspective on operations and our goals for the company, but each of us brings a unique set of skills to the table. Zack is a natural strategist who makes sure we stay ahead of the competition; Scott specializes in systems and operations; and I focus on marketing, customer service and business relations. So, we each get to do what we love and it makes for a great combination.”

Today, as co-owner of Atticare Construction, Sean says he enjoys making a positive impact on customers’ lives—an impact that sometimes goes beyond expectations. “One time, we did a full cleaning of a customer’s attic that had been infested by rats. We cleaned and sanitized everything and made some attic improvements. A month later, he called to thank us. Not only had his energy bills gone down, his daughter’s allergies had greatly improved as well. That’s when I realized our work could do more than just save energy; it could also enhance our clients’ comfort and health.”

Outside of work, Sean spends his free time on a variety of active pastimes. “I enjoy playing guitar, reading, and outdoor activities like skiing and hiking,” he details. “Additionally, my wife and I really enjoy nature, so just about every weekend we’re out in our Jeep, exploring the Bay Area.”

In his life and career, Sean espouses the value of being passionate about one’s work. “If you’re in a career you’re passionate about, you won’t work a day in your life,” he says. “You know you’re enjoying what you do when you lose track of time—for me, every day feels like the middle of the week. The fact that I get to help people and improve their lives makes it that much more enjoyable.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, Sean says he wouldn’t. “My mom asked me about this recently, and I told her, ‘The day before I die, I want to go to work.’ The thing is, besides being in a career I’m passionate about, I already get to do what I want outside of work, like traveling. It’s not like I’m waiting to retire to pursue my bucket list, so why retire?”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: “Delivering Happiness” by Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos. I love the book’s core message: No matter how difficult business can be, if you just do the right thing, you can get to the next level.

Q: What was your first job?
A: When I was 15, I worked as a landscaper.

Q: If you could instantly pick up a new skill, what would you choose?
A: I’d like to speak Spanish fluently. I work with a lot of Spanish-speaking people and I love their cultures.

Q: Do you collect anything?
A: Musical instruments—mostly guitars and percussion instruments.

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
A: New Zealand.

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Expert articles
  • Is Your Attic Under-Insulated?

    SAN LEANDRO — Are your heating and air conditioning bills out of control? Do you often find yourself feeling uncomfortable in your home? Believe it or not, the problem (and the solution) may be just overhead.

    Few homeowners realize the impact that attic insulation can have on things like in-home comfort and energy costs. Attic insulation helps regulate a home’s indoor temperature by keeping conditioned air in the living space. Unfortunately, most homes in the United States have under-insulated attics, which allow conditioned air to easily escape from living areas. In this scenario, a home’s heater or air conditioner must work harder to maintain the desired temperature, which results in higher energy costs.

    Considering the impact attic insulation has on in-home comfort and energy costs, it’s worthwhile to invest in adding more as needed. So, how can you tell if your home has an under-insulated attic?

    Fortunately, this is something you can quickly check yourself. Simply go up to your attic and look at the level of the insulation. If it’s level with or below the wood framing beams (roughly 3 to 3 1/2 inches high), you probably need to add some more. However, if the insulation is higher than the beams, you’re probably all right.

    If you find that your attic lacks adequate insulation, your best bet is to hire a professional to add some more. While they’re at it, they can inspect and clean your attic and address any additional problems, such as air leaks and rodent infestation. In the end, you’ll feel good knowing your home is as comfortable, energy-efficient and sanitary as it should be.

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  • Benefits of a Whole House Fan

    SAN LEANDRO — Cooling your home in the summer can get expensive fast, and unless you have a top-of-the-line air conditioning system, you might still be uncomfortable. If this is typically your experience during the summer months, it’s time to consider an alternative cooling option: a whole house fan.

    Installed in the attic, a whole house fan is designed to both cool and ventilate the entire home. When operated during cooler times of day (such as the morning and evening), the fan pulls outside air into the home to cool and refresh the living space while simultaneously flushing built-up heat out of the attic.

    There are two primary benefits that make a whole house fan stand out from a conventional air conditioning system. First, it requires far less energy to run than an A/C unit. In fact, when installed as a supplement to air conditioning, a whole house fan can potentially reduce home cooling costs by 50 to 90 percent.

    The second benefit of a whole house fan is that, unlike air conditioning, it ventilates the home. Instead of cycling the same stale indoor air through the vents, a whole house fan introduces fresh air from the outside, which makes a huge difference in terms of comfort. In addition, the improved ventilation helps remove things like odors, allergens and germs, so your home will also smell better and be more sanitary. This can have an especially big impact during the winter and summer seasons, when perpetually closed windows and doors cause odors and particles to become trapped within the home.

    As you can see, a whole house fan is a worthwhile addition to your home’s cooling system. Between the energy savings and improved indoor air quality, you’ll literally breathe easier after installing a whole house fan.

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  • 4 Reasons to Inspect and Upgrade Your Attic

    SAN LEANDRO — Even if you don’t spend much time in your attic, you shouldn’t neglect this area of your home. At least once a year, you should inspect your attic for potential issues. Furthermore, if your attic isn’t thermally efficient, you should consider making upgrades to bring it up to code.

    Why should you do these things? If you’re like most people, you’re motivated by four factors: health, wealth, love and happiness. A clean, energy-efficient attic can contribute to each of these factors. Here’s how:


    In seven of every 10 homes Atticare visits, we find rodent infestation in the attic. Rodents can cause a lot of problems in your attic—they can chew on your insulation, which compromises thermal efficiency; they can chew on electrical wires, which increases the risk of fire; and they urinate and leave droppings, which can impact your home’s air quality and lead to health risks. Even if there aren’t rodents in your attic, there may be moisture-related problems like mold and bacteria, which can also lead to health issues. That’s why it’s wise to inspect your attic annually and have any problems addressed by a professional.


    Saving money is equivalent to making money. That’s why it makes sense to invest in upgrades that decrease your home’s energy bills, and the attic is a great place to start. Simply increasing the R-value of your attic insulation can substantially reduce your heating and cooling costs.

    Another worthwhile measure is air-sealing your attic, which involves sealing cracks and gaps around light fixtures, vents, pipes, and electrical wiring. Prior to being sealed, the air transmission through these gaps commonly adds up to the equivalent of an open 2’x 2’ window. By performing air-sealing along with upgrading attic insulation, you’ll save money on your monthly energy bills.

    Love and Happiness

    If there’s one thing we all have in common, it’s the planet we live on. That’s why taking part in the conservation effort is a great way to love yourself, love others and be happy. One way you can participate is by maximizing the energy efficiency of your home. Consider this: By completely reinsulating a 1,000-square-foot space (the equivalent of a small residence), you can prevent roughly 4,000 pounds of emission of gasses like CO2. That’s why we recommend upgrading the insulation in your attic and other parts of your home.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Whole House Fan Benefits

    Complete Video Transcription

    SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: If you’re looking for an alternative option for cooling your home, consider the benefits of a whole house fan. Today we’re in San Leandro with Diamond Certified Expert Contributors Sean Madar and Paul Doane of Atticare to learn more.

    Sean Madar: Cooling your home in the summer can be uncomfortable and pricey. Installing a whole house fan can help you save 50 to 90 percent on your energy bills, but there are also side benefit to it. Paul, can you tell us a little bit about what is a whole house fan and how it works?

    Paul Doane: Sure. A whole house fan is a fan installed in the attic, and it’s designed to cool and ventilate the entire living space. And the reason people will purchase a whole house fan primarily is for cooling. They want to stay cool and stay comfortable, which an air conditioner will do, but they’re expensive, which leads us into the second benefit of the whole house fan – energy savings.

    Through the fans, people can keep their AC off saving money with their fan on increasing comfortability. And the last reason somebody would install a whole house fan is for ventilation and indoor air quality where indoor air quality is not good and outdoor air quality is something that the experts say we want to be introducing into these homes. So, a person will typically purchase a whole house fan for cooling, ventilation, and energy savings.

    Sean Madar: Great, great. And can you tell us a little bit about how it works?

    Paul Doane: Of course. The system is installed in the attic, and in the evening night times and morning times when the outside temperatures drop and they’re more desirable, a home owner will open a few select windows, turn the fan on, and the fan pulls that outside cool air into the home through the windows cooling and ventilating the living space and flushing the heat out of the attic.

    Sean Madar: Great. That’s where the energy savings coming. And can you tell us a little bit about the other benefits that most homeowners don’t know about?

    Paul Doane: Sure. The cooling and – and energy savings are what typically draws people to the fan, but the ventilation and indoor air quality where you can ventilate cooking odor, pet odor, pet dander, steam, smoke, germs all year long, including the winter time when indoor air quality is often at its worst where people lock up their homes is probably the best kept secret of a whole house fan where not only does it cool your home and save you money, but it ventilates your home and introduces fresh air.

    Sean Madar: That’s absolutely great. So, if you want to protect your family, save money on your energy bills, and most importantly be comfortable at your home, you should consider a whole house fan.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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  • Video: A Crucial Part of Upgrading Your Attic

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    SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: While upgrading your attic insulation will improve your home’s energy efficiency, there’s another, related attic improvement you shouldn’t overlook. To learn more, we’re in San Leandro with Gil Geva of Atticare, speaking on behalf of Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Sean Madar.

    Gil Geva: Upgrading your attic is a once in a lifetime project. Let’s talk about a step that many home owners are unaware of, air sealing. Air sealing is closing up all the cracks and gaps around light fixtures, vents, pipes and electrical wiring. Prior to performing air sealing, all these gaps add up to a two-by-two open window. So make sure your contractor seals up all the cracks and gaps in your attic according to Title 24.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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  • Video: Why Inspect Your Attic?

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    SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: When it comes to preventative home inspections, one area you shouldn’t overlook is the attic. Today we’re in San Leandro with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Sean Madar of Atticare to learn why.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Sean Madar: Here in Atticare, we recommend that you inspect your attic and crawl space once a year. Now why do you need to do that? Nobody’s really going through the attic, right? Well, that’s not entirely truth. Seven out of ten homes we visit, we find rodent infestation.

    So let’s talk about it for a second. What people are all about today? Health, wealth, love and happiness, right? So let’s talk about health first. When rodents are staying in your attic, they leave a mess behind. They chew on electrical wires which can cause fire. They also chew up insulation which increasing – it’s increasing your energy bill. Also they leave droppings, feces and – and urine which is very bad for you. It decreases the air quality inside the house, and eventually cause allergies and cardiovascular diseases. So it’s very important to clean it up. Also, moisture-related issues like mold, bacteria, fungus – things that are growing in your attic – very important to clean out.

    Talking about wealth, saving money is exactly like making money sometimes, so you all know that by putting up insulation, increasing insulation value, will save you tons of money and you going to save on your energy bills. And also what people don’t know is when you are trying to sell a house, inspector are going to come in, they going to inspect the attic, they going to inspect the crawl space, you want to make sure that your insulation is up to code. So that’s going to potentially help you, selling quicker, and hassle-free.

    The last part is about love and happiness and we are all about saving the environment and saving the planet. Just so you understand, by re-insulate one thousand square foot, which is a small home, we save about four thousand pounds of emission of gases, like C02. And this is very important for the planet, for the environment, and for all of – because of all these reasons, I highly recommend that you will inspect your attic or crawl space at least once a year.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.


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  • Video: Addressing Attic-Related Issues

    Complete Video Transcription

    SAN LEANDRO — Host, Sarah Rutan: Few homeowners realize the impact conditions in the attic can have on their home’s comfort, energy efficiency and air quality. Today we’re in San Leandro with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Sean Madar of Atticare to learn more.

    Sean Madar: Many home owners are not comfortable in their homes and they’re completely unaware it’s related to issues they have in the attic or the crawl space. Cleaning and insulating your attic can help you protect your family, be more comfortable in your home, and save money on your energy bills. So, let’s talk about saving money first. Um, many homeowners know the fact that attic insulation have in their home. Insulation can regulate your home temperature and can save you tons of money, yet 90 percent of homes in the U.S. are under-insulated.

    So, let me give you a tip of how you can go right now and in less than a minute check if you have an adequate amount of insulation. Simply go to your attic and check the level of the insulation. If it’s below the beams or even the same level of the beams, something like that what we’re looking at right now – it’s about three, three and a half inches of insulation – then you don’t have enough insulation, and you should consider adding some more insulation. I promise you’re going to be more comfortable.

    The second thing that I want everybody to consider when you want to protect your family is rodents or basically home owners have rodents above their head in the attic and sometimes below their feet in the crawl space. And rodents cause major damages to the insulation and to the HVAC system. The rodents will nest around, they leave droppings and feces, which is going to affect the indoor air quality. Now that its – has huge effect on you and your family because people suffer from allergies, cardiovascular disease, and it’s all come from rodents and from rodents’ feces which are toxic to inhale. So only if you want to protect your family, save money on energy bills, and be more comfortable at your home, I recommend you to clean and insulate your attic.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Atticare Construction
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Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

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Susan C.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

1 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They do excellent work. Their employees were extremely polite, worked together efficiently, and cleaned up after all the work was done. They brought all of their own tools. I have never worked with another company we liked so much.

They succeeded at what they promised me. We were happy working with them.

David S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

2 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Smooth, efficient process, and very professional

I would say my concerns were addressed immediately and professionally.

Julie H.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

3 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I did a lot of research on what I needed. They were the best, very meticulous, clean, and they were fast.

The guy who came out was great. He called us after the fire to make sure we were okay. It was exceptional. I give him gold stars across the board.

Kristen N.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

4 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I feel like their presentation was the most complete you'll get, so that was awesome.

They had the average price for the quality, fair pricing.

Gabrielle L.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

5 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I was satisfied it was done in a timely manner.

They were friendly and informative.

Michelle V.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

6 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I thought that their prices were reasonable and they did a great job.

Customer service


VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

7 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were very professional and they did what they said they would do.

Friendliness and professionalism

Ruben H.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

8 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are good, dependable and clean.

The promptness

Sheldon S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

9 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very careful and put up things properly. I thought that was great.

The way they conduct the job

Benjamin C.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

10 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were very professional and clean.

They're on time and clean.

Jason E.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

11 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very professional and very punctual

They were detailed and very careful making sure no damage was caused to the house.

Ella S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

12 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are good quality, a fast service and good price.

The price

Zoey W.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

13 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

No complaints

Finished on time

Doug Q.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

14 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

We had a lot of debris and that's all gone now.

They were here when they said they would be.

Craig C.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

15 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes


Everything cleanly

Riley H.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

16 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They did what we asked them to do and they gave us the documentation that we needed.

That they did what we asked them to do and they gave us the documentation that we needed

Cole S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

17 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They were very prompt and friendly.

The promptness

Nancy C.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

18 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Sean is the best. He's great.

He's always on time and answers my questions.

Jim W.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

19 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

We no longer live in that house, but they did a great job.

Great service

Albert S.

VERIFIED Atticare Construction CUSTOMER

20 of 484

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They did a very clean and very satisfactory job.

They were clean.

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