Diamond Certified Company Report

Elite Plumbing Services

Diamond Certified Company Report

Elite Plumbing Services

Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i
Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File
  • Legal & Finance

Nicole J.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

1 of 129

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They are reputable company and cost efficient. We use them many times.

Being very open and honest, also very trustworthy

Heather L.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

2 of 129

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

Knowledgeable and trustworthy, he takes the time to explain what he is doing in detail.

His promptness and reliability

Mary C.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

3 of 129

Quality 9
9 10
Loyalty Yes

Timely, and the pricing was good. They gave instructions to avoid the situation in the future.

That they gave instructions to avoid the situation in the future

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Dominic Capito, Owner

Elite Plumbing Services provides a wide range of plumbing services for residential and commercial clients in Sonoma and Marin Counties. The company has the in-house capabilities to handle everything from routine plumbing installations and repairs to water heater replacements (traditional and tankless) and sewer repiping projects.

Owner Dominic Capito credits much of Elite Plumbing Services’ success to its customer-oriented approach to the plumbing process. “We love getting to know our clients and utilizing our expertise to solve their problems,” he says. “A lot of times, we’re saving them from pretty bad situations, so it’s always rewarding to complete a job and help the customer get back to their normal life.”

Elite Plumbing Services prioritizes communication in every aspect of its work, which Mr. Capito says is crucial for achieving consistently positive results. “Anybody can work on plumbing systems, but we take the time to talk to our customers and explain what needs to be done, which puts us ahead of the game. From the moment we take their initial phone calls until we put the finishing touches on their projects, we make sure they know exactly what to expect.”

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Diamond Certified Companies are Rated Highest in Quality and Helpful Expertise.

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Service AREA

Sonoma County
Marin County


Plumbing Installation & Repair
Traditional & Tankless Water Heater Repair & Replacement
Sewer Repiping
Specialty Fixture Installation

BRANDS Supported
  • Ruud

  • Bradford White

  • State Water Heaters

  • Kohler

  • TOTO

  • Sloan

  • Moen

  • Zurn

  • Delta

  • Price Pfister

  • Whirlpool

  • Navien

  • Noritz

  • Takagi

  • Rinnai


Elite Plumbing Services installed this tankless water heater.

Company Profile

Elite Plumbing Services provides a wide range of plumbing services for residential and commercial clients in Sonoma and Marin Counties. The company has the in-house capabilities to handle everything from routine plumbing installations and repairs to water heater replacements (traditional and tankless) and sewer repiping projects.

Owner Dominic Capito credits much of Elite Plumbing Services’ success to its customer-oriented approach to the plumbing process. “We love getting to know our clients and utilizing our expertise to solve their problems,” he says. “A lot of times, we’re saving them from pretty bad situations, so it’s always rewarding to complete a job and help the customer get back to their normal life.”

Elite Plumbing Services prioritizes communication in every aspect of its work, which Mr. Capito says is crucial for achieving consistently positive results. “Anybody can work on plumbing systems, but we take the time to talk to our customers and explain what needs to be done, which puts us ahead of the game. From the moment we take their initial phone calls until we put the finishing touches on their projects, we make sure they know exactly what to expect.”

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Company Philosophy

“Our customers are very important to us, so we focus on providing them with clean, honest, trustworthy plumbing work. We’re not here for a paycheck—we’re here to do right by our clients and keep them happy. We pride ourselves on fulfilling every aspect of the word ‘service.’”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, but it’s even more important for plumbing companies that have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For Elite Plumbing Services, keeping customers happy comes down to three main factors: using high-quality parts, providing good warranties and staying true to its promises. “Some plumbing companies try to cut corners, but we do every job the way it’s supposed to be done,” affirms owner Dominic Capito. “From using long-lasting materials to having our work double-checked by an independent third party, everything we do is geared toward producing the best outcome for each customer.”

Elite Plumbing Services has been providing plumbing services for residential and commercial clients in Sonoma and Marin Counties since 2010. The company is qualified to handle everything from routine plumbing installations and repairs to sewer repiping projects and tankless water heater replacements, and its technicians are available 24/7 for its customers’ convenience.

Unlike less experienced plumbing companies that take a “hands off” approach to communicating with their customers, Elite Plumbing Services keeps its clients informed throughout every step of their plumbing projects. “We always let our customers know when we’ll be arriving and take the time to explain our work so they know what to expect,” says Mr. Capito. “Little things like that go a long way. Our job isn’t to show up, do the work and leave—it’s to make sure the customer is completely satisfied with the services we provide.”

Ultimately, Mr. Capito sees Elite Plumbing Services’ customer-oriented approach to plumbing as its most important attribute. “We love getting to know our customers and drawing upon our years of experience to solve their problems,” he says. “We’re often saving them from pretty bad situations, so when we’re able to complete a job and help someone get back to normal, it’s a very rewarding feeling.”

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Industry Info

Technology is changing the plumbing installation and repair experience for technicians and homeowners alike.

Plumbing is plumbing, right? Pipes and fixtures that move water in and out of our homes. While the basics of plumbing are pretty much fixed, you might be surprised to know that technological advancements are making big changes in some aspects of the trade. “There’s a lot of stuff coming out right now,” says Dominic Capito, owner of Elite Plumbing Services in Santa Rosa. “For example, many of the newer plastic pipes being manufactured are really good. PEX piping has a UV rating and doesn’t leak contaminants, which can mean fewer leaks and longer-lasting pipes.”

If your pipes do leak, new technologies and tools let plumbers make repairs with less mess and expense. “For example, there’s a gas pipe press fitting that allows us to cut out small sections and use a press machine to replace those areas of the pipe, so we can make water line repairs without completely shutting off the water,” explains Mr. Capito. “Also, there’s new sewer line piping that can be fused together instead of being connected with joints, which can fail.”

Many consumers are making the switch from traditional water heaters to tankless water heaters, but not every home is a good candidate. Copper piping, venting, and other installation requirements can make it complicated and expensive to integrate a tankless water heater into an existing home. However, Mr. Capito says new styles are changing that. “There are new models of tankless water heaters that make installation easier and don’t require venting. Some even have built-in recirculation pumps that keep water hot in a return line without an external pump, which saves money. There are also hybrid and solar water heaters that are changing the way we think about water heaters.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you charge for jobs?
A: We give a flat rate for every job, so you’ll know the price of your job upfront. We’re not here to upsell or shortcut you—we’ll take the time to figure out the best solution to your problem and get the job done right.

Q: Do you offer free estimates?
A: We don’t charge for coming to your house, but if we have to do a long diagnosis or a crawl inspection, we’ll likely charge for our time. However, if the problem is easy to diagnose, we’ll be prepared to give you a price and do the job on the spot. Our service vehicles are like warehouses on wheels—they have all the parts we need.

Q: Can you check my plumbing system for leaks?
A: Leak searches can be expensive. We’re happy to do an initial test that isolates your water lines from your irrigation, and we can usually figure out if there’s a problem without having to do a $1,000 leak test.

Q: Should I get a tankless water heater or a traditional water heater?
A: It depends on your hot water needs. Tankless water heaters have lots of benefits—they’re compact, they’re more energy-efficient and you get an unlimited supply of hot water, so the cost over time can be much lower than a traditional water heater. However, they aren’t a great fit for every house, so it’s important to assess your needs before making a decision.

Q: How can I conserve water in my home?
A: One way is to add a recirculating pump to your traditional water heater so you don’t have to run a lot of cold water while waiting for hot water. If you don’t have room to do that, you can add a manifold to get instant hot water with a recirculating pump at each faucet.

Q: Do I need to flush my water heater?
A: It depends on the type of water heater, but it’s often a huge waste of water. However, there’s a sacrificial anode rod inside your water heater that needs to be replaced every six years. If you ignore it, your water heater won’t last very long.

Q: Are water softeners a good idea?
A: Water softeners help reduce the mineral content in your water. It’s called turbidity—the hardness is based on how many particles are in the water. Water softeners actually change the structure of the water and make it softer. They can often reverse damage that has been done by mineral buildup inside pipes and hot water tanks.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Elite Plumbing Services



  • Dominic Capito is owner of Elite Plumbing Services, a Diamond Certified company. He can be reached at (707) 676-3937 or by email.

Dominic Capito: An Early Opportunity

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

SANTA ROSA — Thanks to a family connection, Dominic Capito got an early start in what would eventually become his career. “I first started plumbing during the summer between sixth and seventh grade,” he remembers. “We had a family friend who was a plumber and he offered me an opportunity to learn the trade. I spent the next several summers working for him. At first, I wasn’t thinking about it in terms of a future career—I just enjoyed fixing things. Plus, the pay was pretty good for a kid my age!”

Following high school, Dominic dove headfirst into full-time plumbing work. “I actually left high school early,” he clarifies. “I knew I wasn’t going to college, so I took the equivalency test and skipped my senior year. At that point, I was almost a journeyman-level plumber, so it just made sense to keep going. After gaining a few more years of experience, I decided to start my own business, which I did in 2010.”

Today, as owner of Elite Plumbing Services, Dominic says his favorite part of his job is the sense of accomplishment it gives him. “I enjoy helping people, solving problems and getting the job done. Everybody needs a plumber at some point, so it feels good to be the hero.”

A resident of Sonoma County, Dominic spends most of his time outside of work with his fiancée, Caity, and their children. “Caity and I each have two children, so we stay pretty busy keeping them entertained,” he details. “We take them to the park or the pool and attend their sporting events. On occasion, we like to get out of town and take trips to places like Tahoe and Hawaii.”

In his life and career, Dominic espouses the value of efficiency. “Time is the only thing you can’t get back, so I think it’s important to make the most of it,” he says. “That’s why I try to perform each job as efficiently as possible; otherwise, I’m wasting everybody’s time. The same goes for my personal life—even when I’m not working, I like to get up early and get as much as I can out of each day.”

When asked what he would do if he were to retire tomorrow, Dominic says he’d volunteer his time. “I still have a bunch of kids at home, so it’s not like I could just travel around Europe or something. Sure, I’d probably take a vacation, but realistically, I’d probably help at my kids’ school and find other volunteer opportunities.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What’s your favorite local restaurant?

A: Sweet T’s in Windsor.

Q: What’s your favorite sports team?

A: The Oakland Raiders.

Q: Did you play any sports in high school?

A: I played football, baseball and basketball.

Q: Are you a cat person or a dog person?

A: I’m a dog person.

Q: What kind of music do you like?

A: My go-to is classic rock—stuff like Boston, Queen and Led Zeppelin.

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Expert articles
  • Tankless Water Heater Maintenance

    SANTA ROSA —It’s well known that traditional water heaters need to be flushed regularly, but few people realize this is also necessary for tankless water heaters. In fact, it’s even more important for tankless units because they have a higher susceptibility to issues caused by mineral buildup. By keeping the inner pipes clear of buildup, routinely flushing your tankless water heater will prolong its operating lifespan.

    You should flush your tankless water heater at least once a year, but if your home has hard water, you may need to do it more frequently. If you don’t want to flush your water heater as often, consider installing a whole-home water filter. By filtering water as it enters your home, this product can remove many of the minerals and corrosive elements before they get to your water heater.

    Whether you have a plumber flush your tankless water heater or you do it yourself, don’t skip this crucial maintenance step—not only is it important for keeping your water heater functioning properly, it’s a warranty requirement.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Tankless Water Heater Maintenance

    Complete Video Transcription

    SANTA ROSA — Host, Sarah Rutan: It’s well known that traditional water heaters need regular maintenance, but did you know tankless water heaters require this as well? Today we’re in Santa Rosa with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Dominic Capito of Elite Plumbing Services to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Dominic Capito: If you’ve ever had a tankless water heater installed in the past and it was by a contractor or somebody’s who not necessarily specialized in tankless water heaters, one thing that’s really important is that you do maintenance every year, annually. It’s actually part of the warranty. It’s required. So, do a descale every year. If it’s not noted on your tankless water heater, schedule it today. And then try to get it done every year, and that will actually prolong the life of your tankless water heater.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Elite Plumbing Services
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File
  • Legal & Finance

Nicole J.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

1 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are reputable company and cost efficient. We use them many times.

Being very open and honest, also very trustworthy

Rebecca P.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

2 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It was quality work and a good response.

Quality of work

Marguerite L.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

3 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is responsible, reliable and has a great work ethic.

He is responsible, reliable and has a great work ethic.

Tim S.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

4 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Great guy, does a good job and is thorough

Great guy and does a good job

Cari D.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

5 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are a honest company that actually comes up with a solution.

That they are a problem solving company

Liz E.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

6 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very responsive, quick and good quality

They were responsive and arrived on time.

Lynn E.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

7 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is very into his work it's more then just a job. He is someone you can really talk to.

The work and the communication

Tyson H.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

8 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I thought that they were a quality service, prompt and professional.

Their dedication in getting the job done

Caari D.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

9 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are professional, and they go above and beyond to get the job done.

It is really two fold. They show up on time and do what they say they are going to do. They think outside the box to make it better. They are problem solvers.

Rob C.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

10 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a young independent contractor that delivers excellent service.

They weren't satisfied until it was perfect.

Kristi H.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

11 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They do good work. They are reliable, honest and timely.

I know that he stands behind his work.

Diane L.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

12 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He was prompt and did a very good job. He explained everything that he was doing. I was very happy with it.

His explanation about everything, he was very clear on it all.

Jen M.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

13 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He was easy to work with, knows what he is doing, got it done quickly, and everything works well.

Knowledge of what he did and how well he did it.

Elsa G.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

14 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Dominic is very good at his work, and he is quick to respond and very receptive.

How quick he is available, how efficient he is, and he is always in a good mood.

Jen A.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

15 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is very personable. He treats you like a friend. He also responds quickly. I always texted back quickly.

His response time is big, and I know that I can always count on him. Even if he can't come out right away, he immediately responds and lets me know he got the message and when he can come.

Terri C.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

16 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He came out and got the job done. It was a big job that required a lot of work, and he got in there and did it.

He was a young man, but he was knowledgeable. He had to dig out a tree and dig a trench, and he got it done. He was friendly and informative. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Kaylie T.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

17 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

For good service, call Elite Plumbing. They will make it out there in a day and provide great customer service.

It makes a big difference when he can make it out there the next day or in a few hours when there is an emergency.

Marianne B.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

18 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He will be able to fix any plumbing needs you have.

He makes himself available in an emergency or not.

Bonnie L.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

19 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He id s really friendly guy that is trustworthy.

I feel comfortable around him.

Michael L.

VERIFIED Elite Plumbing Services CUSTOMER

20 of 129

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I highly recommend him and have many times. I have known him for years.

He does a great job.

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