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Weeks Drilling & Pump Company

Diamond Certified Company Report

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company

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VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

1 of 653

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

They have staff that are knowledgeable, great guys.

No comment.

Nadine A.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

2 of 653

Quality 5
5 10
Loyalty Yes

They seem to be very honest and very well informed.

I think they do the best they can.

Denny T.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

3 of 653

Quality 6
6 10
Loyalty No

They were nice and responsive. The people were polite, and they tried to make everything work.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Charlie Judson (L) and Chris Thompson, Owners

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company has been providing a complete range of water supply solutions for residential, commercial and municipal customers throughout the Bay Area since 1906. The company’s four departments work closely with each other to offer a variety of services, including well drilling, pump system installation, filtration system design and installation, and local public water system management. Weeks’ specialty is designing and constructing new wells to suit customers’ individual needs, and it also repairs and rehabilitates existing wells.

CEO Brandon Burgess says Weeks Drilling & Pump Company’s longevity has endeared the company to its clients. “Our predecessor was called Finnell and Harden Hardware, and it was sold to the Weeks family shortly before 1906,” he explains. “Over that time, we’ve developed a very loyal client base. We handle jobs of every size, from installing residential filters to servicing complex industrial water systems.”

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company applies unique, multigenerational knowledge and experience to ensure its community has safe, clean water. The company’s drilling department has more than 150 collective years of experience and, according to Mr. Burgess, has completed more than 20,000 well projects throughout Northern California.

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Water Well Drilling
Pump System Service and Installation
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Public Water Systems


Weeks Drilling & Pump Company is dedicated to ensuring its customers have safe,

Company Profile

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company has been providing a complete range of water supply solutions for residential, commercial and municipal customers throughout the Bay Area since 1906. The company’s four departments work closely with each other to offer a variety of services, including well drilling, pump system installation, filtration system design and installation, and local public water system management. Weeks’ specialty is designing and constructing new wells to suit customers’ individual needs, and it also repairs and rehabilitates existing wells.

CEO Brandon Burgess says Weeks Drilling & Pump Company’s longevity has endeared the company to its clients. “Our predecessor was called Finnell and Harden Hardware, and it was sold to the Weeks family shortly before 1906,” he explains. “Over that time, we’ve developed a very loyal client base. We handle jobs of every size, from installing residential filters to servicing complex industrial water systems.”

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company applies unique, multigenerational knowledge and experience to ensure its community has safe, clean water. The company’s drilling department has more than 150 collective years of experience and, according to Mr. Burgess, has completed more than 20,000 well projects throughout Northern California.

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Company Philosophy

“We are committed to providing comprehensive well water care. Our three departments–Water Well Drilling, Pump Service and Repair, and Water Treatment–work cohesively to provide the best possible customer experience.”

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Comparative Summary

Few companies in the water well and pump field earn the prestigious Diamond Certified award, which means they’ve been independently rated Highest in Quality. In addition to its Diamond Certified status, Weeks Drilling & Pump Company falls into another impressive category: It’s been providing residential and commercial water solutions for Northern California customers for more than 100 years. “As far as I know, the only Sebastopol-based company that’s older is the Sebastopol Times newspaper,” says CEO Chris Thompson.

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company not only designs and drills new water wells, but it also offers water treatment and testing, water pumps and tanks, and well repairs. The company works on jobs of every size, from small repairs and installations to servicing complex industrial and vineyard water systems. “We have the largest fleet of specialized equipment in the North Bay,” says Mr. Thompson. “That means we have broader capabilities than our competitors and can quickly mobilize, which is important to our customers.”

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company also has the largest database of existing well information in Sonoma County, which helps its employees quickly find water for new wells that are being drilled. “Those records are all computer-indexed and available to help our customers find new water sources,” says Mr. Thompson. “They’re very valuable to our operation.”

Mr. Thompson says his customers frequently comment on how fast Weeks Drilling & Pump Company was able to arrive and perform its services. “Unlike some other companies, we really strive to get the water back on during the same day.”

Weeks Drilling & Pump Company has a second facility in Ukiah, which furthers its service area and expands a customer base that’s been growing exponentially since 1906. Mr. Thompson sees the company’s extended success as a reflection of its business approach. “There have been very few ownership changes in the long history of this company,” he says. “It’s family-owned and family-oriented, and we intend to keep it that way.”

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Industry Info

Maintaining your private well is the key to its efficiency and longevity. Typically, something has to go wrong before private well owners know the particulars of how to properly maintain their systems. The following basic tips for water well maintenance can help prevent costly repairs and solve small problems before they develop into large-scale ones.

Don’t try to service your own well.
Water wells aren’t easy to service without specialized tools, equipment and training. Every time a well owner removes a well cap and attempts to service the well in some way, there’s the potential to unwittingly introduce bacterial contamination into the water supply. There’s also the potential for dropping objects (such as tools) into the well, or getting the pump stuck in an effort to replace it. It’s always best to contact a qualified water well systems contractor to conduct any kind of service.

Preventive maintenance is less costly in the long run.
Small, easily correctable well problems can become large, inconvenient, expensive problems without the proper preventive care. The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) conducted a recent poll that showed 80 percent of respondents had never had a well maintenance inspection. Treating your water well system this way is like having an auto mechanic look under the hood of your car after a catastrophic breakdown.

Do some homework before getting your water well system serviced.
This is a good idea whether you’re getting a well maintenance check-up or service for a specific issue. A well maintenance check-up should include four components. First, a flow test to determine system output, along with a water level check before and during pumping (if possible), pump motor performance (check amp load, grounding and line voltage), pressure tank and pressure switch contacts, and general water quality (odor, cloudiness and so forth). Next, an inspection of the well equipment to assure it’s sanitary. Third, a test of your water for coliform bacteria, nitrates and anything else of local concern. Finally, a concise, clear, written report should be delivered following the check-up that explains results and recommendations and includes all laboratory and other test results.

Take simple, ongoing steps to maintain your well.
The NGWA has put together a comprehensive maintenance checklist for residential well owners. Here are some excerpts:
• Always use licensed or certified water well drillers and pump installers when a well is constructed, installed or serviced.
• An annual well maintenance check, including a bacterial test, is recommended. Any source of drinking water should be checked any time there’s a change in taste, odor or appearance.
• Keep hazardous chemicals such as paint, fertilizer, pesticides and motor oil away from your well.
• Periodically check the well cover or well cap on top of the casing to ensure it’s in good repair.
• Always maintain proper separation between your well and buildings, waste systems or chemical storage facilities. Your professional contractor knows the rules.
• Don’t allow back-siphonage. When mixing pesticides, fertilizers or other chemicals, don’t put the hose inside the tank or container.
• When landscaping, keep the top of your well at least one foot above the ground. Slope the ground away from your well for proper drainage.
• Take care when working or mowing around your well—a damaged casing could jeopardize its sanitary protection.
• Keep your well records in a safe place. These include the construction report and annual water well system maintenance and water testing results. • Be aware of changes in your well, the area around your well and the water it provides.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When the water goes off, does that mean my well has gone dry?

A: That’s almost never the case. There are many causes for the water going off. Some are simple and some aren’t, but it’s unusual for a well to just go dry. We reassure people who have rural properties with rural water supplies that, in most cases, they can have a reliable water supply without being hooked up to city water systems.

Q: Is my water safe?

A: To answer that, we need to ask questions about the water supply, gather some information and do at least a minimal amount of testing. We’re capable of helping our customers determine if their water is safe.

Q: What if I find out my water isn’t safe? What should I do?

A: We sell water treatment equipment that will reliably turn unsafe water into good quality drinking water. We can also treat surface water from creeks or lakes and bring it to drinking water standards using new technologies. We understand concern about water safety, and we’re good at picking the right technology to fix a particular problem. The water treatment systems we install exceed industry standards.

Q: Do you test the water after you install a water treatment system?

A: Yes. We also offer ongoing service, so customers don’t have to worry about the maintenance or technical details of their water systems. We handle everything.

Q: How long does it take to drill a well?

A: Generally, drilling a well takes one to several days, and then we need to install a pump and evaluate the water quality. But it takes longer to obtain a permit, so the whole process can take several weeks.

Q: Can you help me get permits?

A: Yes. We handle all permit issues and work with all the health departments in the North Bay. We take care of every detail.

Q: I’m converting to city sewer. Can you help with that process?

A: No. We’re strictly a water company, not a wastewater company.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM Weeks Drilling & Pump Company



  • Charlie Judson is a veteran of the water treatment industry and consultant for Weeks Drilling & Pump Company, a Diamond Certified company since 2004. He can be reached at (707) 823-3184 or charlie@weeksdrilling.com.

Charlie Judson: A Life Well Spent

By Matt Solis, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

SEBASTOPOL – Charlie Judson didn’t expect to find a career in water treatment when he was a young geology student at Santa Rosa Junior College—like many students, he was simply looking for a way to make some extra money when he stumbled upon an industry that would eventually become his life’s work. “I answered an ad for a company that was looking for someone to install water filters, which I had some experience with, and I ended up working there for a couple years and learning the basics of the business,” he remembers. “I found the water quality part of the job extremely interesting and challenging, both in terms of what makes water safe for human consumption and what makes it usable for industrial processes. From there, I did some consulting work and managed a water treatment dealership in Santa Rosa for about five years. I came to Weeks in 1984…and I’ve been here ever since.”

Much like his profession, Charlie’s permanent Sonoma County residence was the result of a serendipitous series of events rather than a predetermined plan. “My family moved around a lot when I was young, so when I landed in Sonoma County in 1974 it was quite by accident,” he explains. “I was en route to Humboldt State because I’d been accepted in their geology program, and I stopped to visit my sister in Sebastopol first. She said, ‘Why would you go to the trouble of doing your undergraduate work all the way up there when we have this great junior college?’ So that’s how I ended up here, and I just never left.”

Charlie’s initial reasons for staying in Sonoma County were purely practical, but after living in the Bay Area for nearly four decades, he says he’s come to appreciate many other aspects of Northern California life. “I love the highly variable climate and easy access to remote places for hiking and camping. My family and I do a lot of river rafting trips—we’ve rafted the Eel River for the past 25 years, and it’s one of our favorite annual traditions. Even though there are about 8 million people living in the Bay Area, we can drive six hours, spend four or five days on the river and not see another soul.”

Charlie’s family doesn’t just accompany him on various outdoor excursions—his wife and two sons have all been involved with Weeks Drilling & Pump Company’s operations over the years. “My oldest son works for us as a water treatment facility operator, and my wife is in charge of compliance issues for regulated water systems that we deal with,” he explains. “Sebastopol actually has the highest per capita number of private wells of any zip code in California, so there’s plenty of work for a company like ours, and I’m glad my family has been able to experience that.”

When he’s not helping homeowners and businesses regulate their water systems, Charlie spends as much time as possible exploring his other passion: landscape photography. “I’ve been photographing landscapes for a long time, and ever since I moved to digital 10 years ago, I’m able to do the entire process myself, from snapping the shutter to making the print,” he says. “I particularly enjoy making large prints, and I have many displayed throughout my house. In fact, my wife jokes that I only shoot in order to feed my printing habit!”

Charlie is content with the stability of Weeks Drilling & Pump Company and the prospect of working in Sonoma County for many years, but when it comes to the subject of retirement, he has some specifics in mind. “I would grab my wife and dog, jump into our camper, and head for the desert,” he laughs. “Of course, I can’t forget the camera. Actually, I might have to come back from the desert to make some prints!”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: Who is your favorite musician?
A: I love Bob Dylan in all his incarnations. I also like Eric Clapton and ’80s rock like Bon Jovi.

Q: Are you an early bird or a night owl?
A: An early bird. I always get up early, and I’m never the last one at the party.

Q: If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?
A: Definitely the future—that’s where the unknown is. There may be a lot we don’t know about the past, but it’s over and done with. I would much rather shoot forward and be surprised.

Q: What’s your favorite holiday?
A: Thanksgiving. Even though my family is scattered these days, we always try to get together for Thanksgiving dinner.

 Q: If you had a theme song, what would it be?
A: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin…although that’s more of a theme to live up to than one I’ve been able to achieve!

Q: Dogs or cats?
A: Dogs. We have two Jack Russell Terriers named Jade and Chico and a Border Collie named Levi.

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Expert articles
  • Factors for Well Placement

    SEBASTOPOL — When it comes to drilling a well, proper placement is key. There are several factors that go into determining well placement, including the following:


    A setback is the municipally mandated distance between a structure or installation (such as a building or well) and existing infrastructural features like roads, utility equipment, and property lines. When it comes to wells, most counties require a 100-foot setback from septic systems and a 5- or 10-foot setback from property lines. When choosing your well site, you’ll need to work with the county or city to ensure your installation complies with all required setbacks.


    Since well drilling requires large equipment, the proposed site must provide adequate clearance and accessibility for bringing in that equipment. At minimum, the site should provide a clearance area of 60 feet long by 40 feet wide.


    Soil conditions can also play a factor in the feasibility of a well drilling project. In some cases, it may be worthwhile to hire a geologist to assess the soil composition and depth and give recommendations.

    Water supply and quality

    Even if a site offers ideal conditions for well drilling, if the water is of poor quality, it defeats the purpose. Furthermore, you need to consider water quantity—if there’s not an adequate supply of water for the application you’re pursuing, drilling a well will be a waste of money.

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  • How To Tell If Your Well Water is Safe

    SEBASTOPOL — If your water is supplied by a well, there are some basic health and safety issues you need to be aware of. First and foremost, the only way to know that your water is truly safe is to have it professionally tested. If you’ve never had it properly analyzed, it’s impossible to know which harmful contaminants might be present.

    At a minimum, you should have your water tested for nitrate, arsenic and coliform bacteria, which are the most common water contaminants that create health concerns. Other contaminants can exist in your water, but they’re less common and depend on several factors, including where your well is located and the potentiality of water quality threats.

    To ensure your drinking water is clean and healthy, contact a certified water specialist who can test it for hardness and basic minerals such as iron and manganese. If the water specialist determines your water needs further tests, send it to a trusted laboratory. If you want to learn more about the procedures for getting your water properly diagnosed, contact your local water treatment specialist.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Factors for Well Location

    Complete Video Transcription

    SEBASTOPOL — Host, Sarah Rutan: When choosing a location for drilling a well, you need to take several factors into consideration. To learn more, we’re in Sebastopol with Brandon Burgess of Weeks Drilling & Pump Company, speaking on behalf of Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Charlie Judson.

    Brandon Burgess: When trying to figure out the best place to drill a well – there are things to consider. One is setbacks. Most counties have a setback requirement of 100 feet to a septic system. Five feet, sometimes 10 feet to a property line.

    Another thing to consider is access. The equipment that’s needed to drill a well is pretty large. We usually need about a 60-foot-long by 40-foot-wide area to be able to access with the drill equipment.

    In regard to geology and best place and depth to complete a water well, sometimes it would be beneficial – depending on the size of the property — to contact your local hydrogeologist, or geologist for records pertaining to depth and composition of material that water is most commonly found. In other areas you’re more confined by setbacks to septic systems and a location where I can actually access the well. So, those are all things to think about.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top rated companies, visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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  • Video: Water Safety Testing

    Complete Video Transcription

    SEBASTOPOL — Host, Sarah Rutan: If your home’s water is supplied by a well, you need to be confident that it’s safe. To learn more, we’re in Sebastopol with Brandon Varner of Weeks Drilling & Pump Company, speaking on behalf of our Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Charlie Judson.

    Brandon Varner: Over the years, we have received a very common question from many of our clients who are on well water. How do I know my water is safe? Well, I always respond to their question with another question: Has your water ever been tested?

    It’s not possible to know what you might find in your water if you have never had it properly analyzed. We recommend at a minimum that you have your water tested for nitrate, arsenic and coliform bacteria as these are the most common contaminants health concern that we find.

    There are other contaminants we see less commonly but much depends on where your well is located and what threats to water quality exist. Contact a certified water specialist who can test your water for basic minerals such as hardness, iron and manganese. For other tests, send your water to a trusted laboratory. It is important to get educated and learn about the health effects of contaminants that may be present in your well water.

    If you would like to learn more about the procedures or getting your water properly diagnosed, contact your local water treatment specialist.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: Thank you to our Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Brandon Varner of Weeks Drilling & Pump Company. I’m Sarah Rutan.

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Diamond Certified RATINGS ON Weeks Drilling & Pump Company
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Customer LOYALTY i
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Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
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  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File
  • Legal & Finance


VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

1 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They have staff that are knowledgeable, great guys.

No comment.

Michael G.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

2 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I think they are awesome, prompt, and friendly

The honesty and quality that they have

Maury C.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

3 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It's a reliable company. The staff is helpful and responsive. They do a pretty good ongoing and well-rounded service.

I originally did not have a good experience with the original system they put in for me. It did not work well and always needed some type of service. The later experience I had with them was very good after getting over the issues with the system they put in.

Paul R.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

4 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes


Nothing comes to mind.

Joanne L.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

5 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very very knowledgeable. They were there immediately and were very friendly.

They were able to come immediately.

Gordon G.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

6 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

There aren't many people in the neighborhood who have wells. They are the only company that service four counties for this type of need. They do great well services and also drill new wells. I would only use them, honestly. I would not consider using anyone else. I actually don't think there is any other company that specializes in pumping and well services out here. Also, it is good to note that I wouldn't be doing the survey if it wasn't for Weeks Drilling & Pump Company, but they deserve having it done.

They showed up right away and that is what you need with these companies. When your system goes down, you need a reliable company to show up.

Jason G.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

7 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They do a good job.

It was a while back, so I don't really remember. I do know that I liked them, and they did great work.

Mike K.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

8 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are fair.

He was quick, fair, and solution-oriented.

Corbin G.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

9 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

We are very satisfied with their products and services.

The response time was fantastic.

Dave R.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

10 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Include Weeks, but shop around. I would also advise to compare the actual model with other companies and installers, because they may be charging a high premium on the equipment.

The service and quick response that they provide

Megan H.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

11 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Weeks is a great company. Give them a call.

I don't know, everything.

John P.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

12 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Reliable, fast, and fair

They're honest. They told me what the issue was and that is what it was.

Robert J.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

13 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I don't know. I would recommend them.

I don't think anything in particular. I mean they are local and have been doing it a long time. They are very competent.

Sabrina T.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

14 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very responsive, professional, friendly, and prompt with your needs. I have been using them for about ten years.

Their promptness, and they are very knowledgeable. I'm really confident of their knowledge.

Mike S.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

15 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They got the job done.

They show up when they say they will.

Doug H.

VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

16 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They have been here for a long time, and it's great to have a community business not fall apart for once.



VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

17 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I'd recommend them. They were on time, they were professional, and it really seemed like they knew what they were doing.

They used the right tools on the job, and they completed the job within the time frame they promised us.


VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

18 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

They are very professional and accommodating.

I like that they are always available.


VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

19 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Chris, the owner, is very easy to work with. I think he's very friendly, and he knows his business like the back of his hand.

I like how they are so quick to respond to any inquiries and how easy it is to get ahold of them.


VERIFIED Weeks Drilling & Pump Company CUSTOMER

20 of 653

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes


They did what they promised they'd do for me, there were no surprises, and there was no hassle.

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