Diamond Certified Company Report

William M. Schneider, D.D.S.

Diamond Certified Company Report

William M. Schneider, D.D.S.

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Customer LOYALTY i
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Emily M.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

1 of 223

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a great dentist.

I think he is very knowledgeable. He takes the time with his patients, he is approachable, and he is professional.

Jeff J.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

2 of 223

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

When looking for a dentist, I was very calm in the presence of Dr. Schneider, and he explained everything very thoroughly before the work started, so I was very well-informed. Also, the gentle care he provides satisfies me deeply.

His staff of dental hygienists are great. I like them a lot.

Debbie O.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

3 of 223

Quality 10
10 10
Loyalty Yes

I feel like he makes you feel very comfortable. I hadn't been to the dentist in years, and I had been avoiding going. He didn't make me feel bad about it at all.

His bedside manner, he makes you feel comfortable. He's very nice. He's probably one of the nicest dentists that I have met.

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Diamond certified VIDEO PROFILE
Diamond certified company PROFILE

Dr. William Schneider, Owner

William M. Schneider, D.D.S. provides a complete range of cosmetic, family and general dentistry services for all types of patients (including children) at his Walnut Creek facility. In addition to performing routine dental exams, cleanings and extractions, Dr. Schneider and his staff can straighten teeth with Invisalign®; diagnose and treat periodontal diseases; provide solutions for snoring and sleep apnea; perform root canals; and fit patients with tooth-colored fillings, veneers, implants and dentures. He has extensive experience with patients who are scared to see the dentist and offers different levels of sedation to make their experiences stress-free and comfortable.

A second-generation dentist, Dr. Schneider says he and his staff share a commitment to providing high-quality care that leaves each patient completely satisfied. “Everyone in this office is dedicated to providing high-quality, compassionate care. Once our patients meet me and my staff, they tend to feel more at ease because they can sense we’re there for them and looking out for their best interests.”

Dr. Schneider always takes the time to help his patients make informed decisions that will benefit their specific situations. “We strive to provide ‘dental health care,’ not ‘disease care,’” he says. “By focusing on thorough exams and explaining why things like flossing and sealants are so important, we’re able to give our patients active roles in maintaining their oral health.”

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Contra Costa County

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Cosmetic Veneers
Teeth Whitening
Tooth-Colored Fillings
Children and Adult Dentistry
Sleep Apnea Treatment
Dentures and Partials


A look at Dr. Schneider’s warm reception area

Company Profile

William M. Schneider, D.D.S. provides a complete range of cosmetic, family and general dentistry services for all types of patients (including children) at his Walnut Creek facility. In addition to performing routine dental exams, cleanings and extractions, Dr. Schneider and his staff can straighten teeth with Invisalign®; diagnose and treat periodontal diseases; provide solutions for snoring and sleep apnea; perform root canals; and fit patients with tooth-colored fillings, veneers, implants and dentures. He has extensive experience with patients who are scared to see the dentist and offers different levels of sedation to make their experiences stress-free and comfortable.

A second-generation dentist, Dr. Schneider says he and his staff share a commitment to providing high-quality care that leaves each patient completely satisfied. “Everyone in this office is dedicated to providing high-quality, compassionate care. Once our patients meet me and my staff, they tend to feel more at ease because they can sense we’re there for them and looking out for their best interests.”

Dr. Schneider always takes the time to help his patients make informed decisions that will benefit their specific situations. “We strive to provide ‘dental health care,’ not ‘disease care,’” he says. “By focusing on thorough exams and explaining why things like flossing and sealants are so important, we’re able to give our patients active roles in maintaining their oral health.”

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Company Philosophy

“We know some people feel uneasy about visiting the dentist, so we focus on making sure each patient's visit is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. By putting our patients first and maintaining high standards of professional excellence, we're able to offer them the personalized service they deserve.”

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Comparative Summary

Maintaining patient satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any dental practice, but it’s even more important for dentists who have earned the prestigious Diamond Certified award. For William M. Schneider, D.D.S., the key to achieving and maintaining high levels of patient satisfaction is simple: prioritize the needs of every person who visits its office and ensure their experience is as positive as possible. “Our chief concern is always what’s best for our patients,” affirms Dr. Schneider. “We’re very patient-oriented with everything we do, so we always put ourselves in their shoes and look out for their best interests.”

Dr. Schneider has been providing cosmetic, family and general dentistry services for all types of patients (including children) at his Walnut Creek facility since 1990. In addition to performing routine dental exams, cleanings and extractions, he and his staff can fit patients with tooth-colored fillings, veneers, implants and dentures; provide solutions for snoring and sleep apnea; straighten teeth with Invisalign®; perform root canals; diagnose and treat periodontal diseases; and more.

Unlike dental practices that undervalue the importance of ongoing industry education for their dentists and hygienists, Dr. Schneider focuses on continually improving both his expertise and the abilities of his employees. “I invest a lot of time into continuing education courses,” he says. “Being more informed and up-to-date with dental industry developments excites me and keeps me actively interested in my field, which ultimately benefits my patients.”

Another attribute that sets Dr. Schneider’s practice apart from its competition is its ability to treat patients who suffer from sleep apnea. “I have an extensive background in treating sleep apnea, which gives me an opportunity to improve patients’ overall health and change their lives for the better,” he says. “It’s ‘dental health care’ in the truest sense.”

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Industry Info

If you suffer from sleep apnea, make sure you’re familiar with the options for dental appliances. Sleep apnea—a condition characterized by interrupted or shallow breathing during sleep—has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. It’s often mistaken for mere snoring, but it has a much more detrimental effect on a person’s sleep cycle, causing them to spend more time in light sleep and less time in the deep, restorative sleep that’s necessary for optimal daytime functionality.

If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, a good first step is to implement relevant lifestyle changes such as losing weight, quitting smoking and maintaining regular sleeping hours. However, additional treatment is needed for some individuals, which is where dental appliances come in.

Like CPAP machines (which are commonly used to treat sleep apnea), dental appliances are worn during sleep, but rather than requiring you to wear a mask, they fit inside your mouth like an athletic mouth guard. These appliances diminish the effects of sleep apnea by repositioning either the jaw or tongue, which opens the airway to allow uninterrupted breathing. “Whether you suffer from sleep apnea or you’re just a regular snorer, these devices can change your life,” says Dr. William Schneider, a Walnut Creek-based dentist. “In addition to making you feel better during the day, they decrease your chances of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke, so they can have a tremendous impact if used correctly.”

Since dental appliances are only effective at treating cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. Also, be sure to get fitted by a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea treatments, and follow up with regular visits to get any necessary adjustments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I tell if your practice is part of my insurance company’s network?

A: We can contact your insurance company directly and find out if our services are covered under their network. Once we know the extent of your coverage, we can explain your options.

Q: How soon can I get dental work done?

A: If you have an emergency like swelling or tooth pain, we can help you on the same day. If you need a general checkup and cleaning, we’ll come up with something that fits with your schedule. We always try to get to patients within a week of their initial call.

Q: Will Dr. Schneider be gentle while he works on my teeth?

A: Yes, he’s very gentle and conservative, and if you have any concerns or special requests, he’ll listen. He knows how to make patients feel comfortable, and he’s very good with children.

Q: How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

A: You should have your teeth checked and cleaned at least twice a year unless your dentist recommends more frequent visits.

Q: Can cosmetic dentistry improve the appearance of my smile?

A: Yes, there are many cosmetic dental procedures that can improve your teeth and enhance your smile, from restoring a single tooth to getting a full mouth makeover. Dr. Schneider can assess your needs and talk to you about ways to improve the health and beauty of your smile with cosmetic dentistry.

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SELECTED PHOTOS FROM William M. Schneider, D.D.S.




Dr. William Schneider: An Early Intuition

By James Florence, Diamond Certified Resource Reporter

WALNUT CREEK — While many people remain in search of their professional callings well into adulthood, Dr. William Schneider says he was one of the “lucky ones” who know exactly what they want to do at a young age. “I knew early on that I wanted to be a dentist. My dad was a dentist, and I always heard him talking about how much he enjoyed his work. When I was in high school, I started volunteering at his office so I could get a closer look at what dentistry was all about. Interacting one-on-one with patients only served to confirm that this was what I wanted to do.”

Twenty-five years later, Dr. Schneider says his favorite part of his job is still interacting with patients. “I really enjoy maintaining long-term relationships with my patients. I find that aspect of the profession very rewarding—in fact, it’s why I became a family dentist instead of a specialist.”

Born and raised in Danville, Dr. Schneider currently resides in Alamo with his wife, Valerie, and expresses his appreciation for the temperate Bay Area weather. “I spend a lot of time pursuing outdoor activities like golfing and fishing, and our wonderful climate allows me to do these things all year long.” In addition to golfing and fishing locally, Dr. Schneider enjoys taking his favorite hobbies to new locations. “I like river fishing for salmon in Alaska and fly fishing in Utah,” he says. “I’ve also had the privilege of playing golf in places like Scotland, England and Hawaii.”

In his life and career, Dr. Schneider subscribes to the idea that what goes around comes around. “I believe if you work hard and treat people honestly, good karma will come back to you,” he says. “Whether or not you believe in the concept of karma, these attributes are the keys to being successful in business and life.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he could retire tomorrow, Dr. Schneider says he’d hop on a plane headed to an unfamiliar destination. “I’d probably travel to a place I haven’t yet seen, like Australia. Of course, I wouldn’t forget to bring along my fishing gear and golf clubs!”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What’s your favorite band?
A: The Eagles.

Q: What’s your favorite sports team?
A: The University of Arizona Wildcats basketball team.

Q: What’s your favorite local restaurant?
A: Esin Restaurant & Bar in Danville.

Q: What’s your earliest memory?
A: Playing with blocks in nursery school.

Q: What’s your favorite snack?
A: Blueberries.

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Expert articles
  • How to Identify and Treat Sleep Apnea

    WALNUT CREEK — Although it’s often mistaken for mere snoring, sleep apnea is a serious condition that causes the sufferer to literally stop breathing during sleep—potentially hundreds of times in a single night. In addition to daytime sleepiness (which can affect work performance and increase the likelihood of a car accident), it can cause a variety of health problems, including elevated blood pressure, depression, and the risk of diabetes and stroke.

    There are several factors that increase your susceptibility to sleep apnea, including physical attributes and personal habits. One common contributing factor is your body weight, although it’s primarily the size of your neck that matters. Males whose neck circumference is more than 17 inches and females whose neck circumference is more than 16 inches are particularly at risk. Other factors that increase your predisposition to sleep apnea are a deviated septum, chronic nasal issues or sinusitis, and smoking.

    If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea by a physician, you typically have three treatments to choose from. The first is the use of a CPAP, which is a mask attached to a machine that assists breathing during sleep. Another option is an oral appliance that brings your jaw forward to open up your airway while you sleep. The third option is to have surgery to correct the physical attributes that contribute to your condition.

    Considering the health risks involved, if you’re experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea, you should consult a medical or dental professional who can help you find a treatment that best fits your needs.

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Expert video tip
  • Video: Addressing Sleep Apnea

    Complete Video Transcription

    WALNUT CREEK — Host, Sarah Rutan: If you suffer from sleep apnea, there are some solutions available. Today we’re in Walnut Creek with Diamond Certified Expert Contributor Dr. William Schneider of William M. Schneider D.D.S. to learn more.

    Diamond Certified Expert Contributor, Dr. William Schneider: Sleep apnea is a potentially severe sleep disorder. At night your body stops breathing. Sometimes up to hundreds of times a night. This can have very serious health consequences. Patients with sleep apnea have a much higher incidence of high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke. They have a much higher incidence of depression; daytime sleepiness, which can decrease your work production and increase your potential of having a car accident up to five times.

    Things that I’d like you to look for that may help indicate you have sleep apnea: If as a male you have a neck circumference of 17 inches, as a female if you have a neck over 16 inches, if you snore a lot, if you’re a smoker, if you have chronic nasal issues, if you have chronic sinusitis, a deviated septum. All of these have relations to sleep apnea.

    Sleep apnea is diagnosed by your physician, and your physician will go over the three possible treatments. One treatment is a CPAP, which is a breathing machine you would wear at night to help you. There’s a surgery that can help correct your sleep apnea. And the third is an oral appliance that brings your jaw forward to open up your airway.

    I’d like to encourage you, if you think you may have any of these possible symptoms, that you consult with your physician to help change your life.

    Host, Sarah Rutan: To learn more from local, top-rated companies visit our Diamond Certified Expert Reports at experts.diamondcertified.info.

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  • William M. Schneider, D.D.S. SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS
Diamond Certified RATINGS ON William M. Schneider, D.D.S.
Diamond certified ratings dashboard
Customer LOYALTY i
Helpful Expertise i

Each surveyed customer was asked, “If you needed any helpful expertise, did this company provide that expertise?” To calculate this score, total “Yes” responses were divided by total responses (excluding those that stated they hadn’t needed any expertise).

Company Credentials i
  • Workers Compensation
  • Liability Insurance
  • License Verification
  • Business Practices
  • Current Complaint File

Emily M.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

1 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a great dentist.

I think he is very knowledgeable. He takes the time with his patients, he is approachable, and he is professional.

Jeff J.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

2 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

When looking for a dentist, I was very calm in the presence of Dr. Schneider, and he explained everything very thoroughly before the work started, so I was very well-informed. Also, the gentle care he provides satisfies me deeply.

His staff of dental hygienists are great. I like them a lot.

Debbie O.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

3 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I feel like he makes you feel very comfortable. I hadn't been to the dentist in years, and I had been avoiding going. He didn't make me feel bad about it at all.

His bedside manner, he makes you feel comfortable. He's very nice. He's probably one of the nicest dentists that I have met.

Patricia M.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

4 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is great. I would refer him to anyone.

The office is great. Everyone is great there. He really cares about his patients.

Maria O.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

5 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is professional with a great sense humor. Everything he has done has held up.

He is a very nice guy and has allowed me to make payments when my insurance didn't cover.

Jennifer S.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

6 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Good family dentist

I don't know. I have been going there for 20 years.

Dennis L.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

7 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I would recommend him.

The service is good overall, on time and done in a timely and professional manner. He has always treated me well. I never felt cheated or that I got work done that was not necessary. He explains what he is doing.

Tonya W.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

8 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I have referred several friends. He is the best dentist I have ever had.

Quality work and professionalism of his staff

Kathleen H.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

9 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Super nice, pays attention and is good at what he does

He cares about his patients and remembers his patients and is gentle as a dentist.

Tracee K.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

10 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I have recommended him.

He is very personable, knowledgeable, has the latest technology and a great staff.

Michael R.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

11 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I have referred him many times.

His personality, quality of work, timeliness and punctuality

Zachary P.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

12 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I like him. He is a good dentist. He knows what he is doing and is insightful on how I can better my oral hygiene.

He is always consistent and gentle.

Stephanie C.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

13 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Great dentist and always available

He is thorough and responsive.

Sheila C.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

14 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

It is a clean office. They are more or less on time, efficient and they have good personalities. I like Jeanette, Dr. Schneider and Susan.

I really like them and have been going to them for 55 years. I started with Liam Schneider, William's father, when I was in my 20's.

Patricia S.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

15 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Efficient, they give you good information and let you know exactly what is going on with your teeth.

Nothing in particular

Edward B.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

16 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Very efficient and a well run operation

They are very prompt and thorough.

David H.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

17 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

Attention to detail and he cares

His candidness and truthfulness when he tells you what is wrong with your teeth, which I appreciate.

Lucas S.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

18 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a must see.

Great staff

Katherine G.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

19 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

I highly recommend them and I have recommended them.

They are really nice and it is a comfortable atmosphere.

Paul C.

VERIFIED William M. Schneider, D.D.S. CUSTOMER

20 of 223

Quality 10
Loyalty Yes

He is a great, caring dentist and everyone should go to him.

Nothing really

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