new years checklist

In addition to implementing personal resolutions, the New Year is an ideal time to review and renew your to-do list.

It’s no wonder the custom of adopting annual resolutions coincides with the year’s beginning rather than its middle or end. A new year means a fresh start—a milestone that signals an opportunity for positive change. Like a blank canvas to a painter, the New Year invites us to entertain new possibilities, inspires us to innovate upon the past and fills us with “momentum of purpose.”

While this sense of positive propulsion is often directed toward personal development, it can also be useful for accomplishing tangible goals, which is why the New Year is an ideal time to review and renew your to-do list. Whether you need to catch up on overdue maintenance, have a project you’ve been putting off or simply want to start off on the right foot, it’s best to get moving while the coals of inspiration are still hot. Here are some areas to address:

Your car
How are your tires looking? Are you due for an oil change or maintenance appointment? Is that “check engine” light still on? Whether it’s for remedial or preventative maintenance, bringing your car to an auto repair shop will set you up for a safe year on the road.

Your house
Have you been meaning to remodel an outdated kitchen or bathroom? Is your HVAC system in need of a tune-up? Is your roof in questionable condition? The New Year is a good time to address postponed home projects and maintenance.

Your yard
Have you been meaning to replace or refurbish your deck? Do you want to redesign your landscape or install a swimming pool? Now is the time—especially in the case of the latter. Due to the lengthy process involved in building a pool, if you want to be swimming by summer, you’ll need to get things rolling at the beginning of the year.

Your health
When was your last check-up, dental cleaning or eye exam? If it has been more than a year (or, in the case of a dentist visit, six months), it’s time to make an appointment. If you’re experiencing any chronic pain or stress-related symptoms, it’s also a good time to schedule a consultation with a chiropractor. By addressing both physical and mental wellness, you can add a clean bill of health to your New Year outlook.

Your finances
Thinking about refinancing or selling your home? Want to get a jump on your taxes? Looking to invest for the future? By meeting with a tax preparer or financial advisor early in the year, you can make the most of any available financial opportunities.

To find a Diamond Certified company that can help you accomplish your goals for the New Year, visit

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